


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Crescent Moon Phase:  challenge, growth, struggle

Moon in Leo  

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun – 7 Degrees Cancer “Two Faeries (nature spirits) dancing on a moonlit night.”

Earth – 7 Degrees Capricorn “A veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a God.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month Cancer: "An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

Definition of the Crescent Moon Phase by Laura from August 2013 - The Crescent Moon phase of the lunar cycle begins Saturday (for us in June 2017 that means today - Tuesday).  Whereas the New Moon phase is where we seed an intention, at the Crescent Moon phase the seed pops open and begins its life.  It takes a tremendous amount of energy for the seed to do this because it is going against its previous state of being (a seed) to a living state of being (a seedling).  In life, Crescent phase challenges us.  Struggles ensue.  Will the seed move beyond the challenges to continue on and grow or will it give up?  Many dreams, wishes, intentions, and ideas end during the Crescent phase because we have a tendency to give up when faced with difficulties (growing pains).

From Andrew:

Note that I did not spend a lot of time on the new Moon Sabian Symbol - An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons from last Friday, June 23rd, the first day of this New Moon cycle.The symbol speaks to the need to plow through or soldier on in the face of adversity. Look at the elements you are facing personally or we are facing collectively and see where you need to be in the struggle. So, at the crescent phase begins, where are you in this struggle. Have you taken the reigns and gotten on the trail, or are you waiting for something? Are you the type that wants to follow the leader, or will you strike out on your own?

Sun: Two Faeries (nature spirits) dancing on a moonlit night. An interesting symbol comes today, as it is the crescent phase and likely to be no moonlight to speak of. But more that the symbol embodies the idea of enjoying the company of like-minded people in fun and frolic. Intuition and imagination are heightened during this time. Your emotional and spiritual side will be speaking to you and through you. It is a time you can let go of the rational and embrace spiritual.

Earth: A veiled prophet speaks, seized by the power of a God. Messages are coming. And they come from authority. It is deep in meaning and deep in affect, but can it be believed? Watch for signs to see if you can intuit the source and whether it is trustworthy. The energy can potentially be for good of all, or just lead astray.

What are the messages we are hearing now, and how deep are they.  Yesterday’s amusing story about CNN retracting a story and 3 reporters “resigning” for not following the journalistic standards of CNN. The Lamestream news, which pretty much includes almost everyone out there, has made it its mission to confuse and obfuscate everything. And we ask why.

I personally began to understand about opinion and yellow journalism when I travelled to England back in the mid 1980’s. I grew up reading The LA Times and the Whittier Daily News each morning and evening. My dad read them, so I did too. And I tended to be the kind of kid that believed what I was reading. It was the NEWS. And the LA TIMES was considered a prestigious and “conservative” paper. What did I know. But in London, life is different. They had 4-6 different papers, who openly admit their biases. The Labor paper, the Tory paper. Funny thing is that they all would publish a picture or 2 of women’s nude breasts or some member of parliament who tripped on the sidewalk. And then spin it towards their own agenda du jour. I found I could not believe anything I read.

Coming home, I greeted my trusted LA Times with a hug. But from then on, I was forever changed. Everything I read seemed laced with the same kind of BS I saw in London. How could that be? We are the US. We believe in the power of a free press. It is in the Constitution. This amazing trip I took changed me in unexpected ways. Specifically to put on my glasses, like the ones in the movie They Live! To see the world for what it is with open eyes.

CNN, at that time, was in its infancy, a mere 4 years old on a cable system with few subscribers. In 30 years, they grew up and took on the mantle of respectability. And after 37 years are finally being called for yellow journalism due to their discretions being so obvious that the establishment could no longer credibly not see it.

So who do you listen to?

Monday, June 26, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: New Moon Phase: begin, initiate, set an intention

Moon in Leo –

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun –

6 Degrees Cancer “Game birds feathering their nest.”

Earth –

6 Degrees Capricorn “Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month Cancer: "An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Andrew:

Happy Monday! Lots of little good things pave the path to happiness. Savor the ordinary!

The Sun symbol today of feathering in the speaks of nesting – or preparing your home. Whether this is working on the home you have or finding and preparing a new one, this is where your thoughts are. Your home is your safe space, for physical and emotional protection.

For the Earth, the Ten Logs under the archway are a barrier to the darker woods. And what do they hold? They are unknown and ominous. You are on this path, but may not know where you are heading. Are you prepared for this journey into the unknown? It may be important and have destiny involved.


This week, Mars will station direct on June 29th. It has been retrograde since April 17th.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: New Moon Phase: begin, initiate, set an intention

Moon in Cancer – Moon will be void of course beginning at 2:44PM EST today. Moon will enter Leo at 6:06PM

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun –

6/22 - 2 Degrees Cancer “A man on a magic carpet observes vast vistas below him"

6/23 - 3 Degrees Cancer “An artic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons"

6/24 - 4 Degrees Cancer “A cat arguing with a mouse”

6/25 - 5 Degrees Cancer “At a railroad crossing, an automobile is wrecked by a train”

Earth –

2 Degrees Capricorn “Three stained glass windows in a gothic church, one damaged by war."

3 Degrees Capricorn “The human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment."

4 Degrees Capricorn “A group of people entering a large canoe for a journey by water”

5 Degrees Capricorn “Indians – some rowing a canoe and others dancing a war dance in it”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month Cancer: "An artic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Andrew: Laura outlined the Sabian Symbols for the lunar phases for the next year in her audio last March.

June 23, 2017 the New Moon in Cancer “An artic explorer leads a reindeer thru Icy canyons.”   Treacherous, tells us to tread lightly, look ahead.

I have outlined the sabian symbols over the last 4 days. I (Andrew) have been through some personal loss as a child we have cared for since she left the hospital after 6 weeks of weaning from the drugs she was born with in her system has left our care to return with her birth father. It is a time both joyous for the birth family, yet darker than anyone can imagine for us, as we have lost a child.

Note on Void of Course: It is believed that anything undertaken when the Moon is void-of-course will bring no result. But there is also another, positive facet of the void-of-course Moon: if something risky or difficult is undertaken, something where other people can create a problem or interrupt you, this time seems to be beneficial, because those who might create a problem can do nothing against you.

This week, Mars will station direct on June 29th. It has been retrograde since April 17th.

The canoe images in the earth degrees in Capricorn always cause me to pause. It reminds me of Longfellow’s The Song of Haiwatha, which I made a study of in college. But it actually carries a stronger memory from my childhood – specifically from Bugs Bunny, who had recited parts of the epic poem. Both, unfortunately helped to continue the image of the Native Americans as “gentle savages” or maybe not so gentle. But, like any graphic images, have stayed with me for years. For the Canoe symbols:

The People entering the canoe shows journeying with other. Each brings with them their own stories and their own baggage. But they are embarking on a journey to accomplish something together. Add to it the Indian imagery shows the need to remain calm while rowing in the direction you need to go. And to be wary of those trying to upset it. Where are you on this journey?

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Balsamic Phase: release, transform, prepare for the new

Moon in Gemini

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

     Sun - 1 Degree Cancer “On a ship sailors lower an old flag and raise a new one"

     Earth – 1 Degree Capricorn “An Indian chief claims recognition and power from the assembled tribe.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Andrew:

For the Sun: Out with the old and in with the new. This speaks of a turning point. It is more than just a change, like changing your underwear. You’ve got a new pack. Throw out those old holey things. And maybe those old ones were briefs – and the new ones are boxers (sorry for all of you who are not guys, but you get the point). Something that was once useful or valuable has come to an end and something brand new is emerging. You are changing your allegiance. Let it go and take up the new. Embrace it and the new normal.

For the Earth:  Stand tall. Be in charge. Command respect. These speak to the symbol of the Indian Chief. They speak of a time when this is necessary. Leadership is needed. But there may be questions about your ability and whether it is your time. This is where the Stand Tall comes into play. Stake your claim. And remember. You are doing it in crisp, new boxers now :-)

Wednesday June 21, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Balsamic Phase: release, transform, prepare for the new

Moon in Taurus (Moon is Void of Course through 6:44PM today when it moves into Gemini)

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun - 30 Degrees Gemini “A parade of bathing beauties before large beach crowds"

Earth – 30 Degrees Sagittarius “The pope blessing the faithful.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Andrew: Today marks the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year. How do you mark the day? I am a summer person. I love the sun, the bright, beautiful and HOT weather. Hot summer nights. There are many rituals you can perform to celebrate. At least go and be outside.

For the Sun: Society appreciates beauty and glamor – and for those in the northern hemisphere, summer is here and much is on display. It’s important to put on your best face and exude confidence. But take care that it is not a superficial shell.

For the Earth:  The “Pope” is a powerful person who is a symbol of hope and faith to throngs of his faithful. He dispenses blessings from a higher power and holds a connection to the power of all that is, sought by so many but often is felt to be beyond their reach. He is a spokesperson deserving of respect. Power has responsibility.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Balsamic Phase: release, transform, prepare for the new

Moon in Taurus

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun - 28 Degrees Gemini “Society granting bankruptcy, a person leaves the court with mixed feelings."

Earth – 28 Degrees Sagittarius “A splendidly built bridge, a heritage of unknown ages, still spans the beautiful and wildly primitive stream.”


Sun - 29 Degrees Gemini “The first mockingbird of spring sings from the treetop"

Earth – 29 Degrees Sagittarius “A fat boy mowing the lawn.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From the Oracle Report Archives:  We enter the fluid and dreamy Balsamic phase of the Moon today. It is the last of the eight phases of the Moon, and it exists outside time and space to some degree because it is a transition time.  During Balsamic, we release anything that we what we do not want or need to carry with us into the impending lunar month.  Cleansing waters of consciousness flood the field with breaking waves to refresh and renew.

The veils between the worlds are thinnest during Balsamic Moon phase.  Spirit is breathtakingly close.  It is a beautiful thing if we are able to let go of the controls.  A higher power seeks to untangle us from restrictions so that we can begin anew with the New Moon.

And regarding the Sabian Symbols:

For the Sun: The mockingbird symbol is of the bird that tries to appear as something else. So, the symbol speaks of taking the best of something and making it better. The mockingbird takes sounds from other birds and combines them to create their own song. It is a question of whether it is a simple counterfeit copy or is it a unique creation. I am personally intrigued that the symbol for the first mockingbird of spring comes at 29 Gemini – the final day of spring.

For the Earth:  The symbol of the fat boy mowing speaks of appearances and keeping things neat and tidy. The image of the fat boy is one who is comfortable and safe. He is helping to order and organize his world. He is helping-out. Is the energy about the appearances or is it about the superficial and insulated nature of his life?

Friday June 16, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Disseminating Moon Phase: share, demonstrate, teach

Moon in Pisces

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun - 26 Degrees Gemini “Winter frost in the woods"

Earth – 26 Degrees Sagittarius “A Flag-bearer in a battle.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

For the Sun: Winter frost in the woods shows life in its dormant stage. You cannot force growth, but you can prepare for future growth by getting rest and recharging your batteries. Call it a calm time before a time a great expansion. Consider what you are preparing for and be ready for it.

For the Earth:  The flag bearer is the one out at the front waving the flag in battle. They are a target by the enemy, if for no other reason, because they are the loudest and the most colorful. They are the person leading the charge, that the rest of the army are following. These others are looking to you, for the courage you show for your convictions.

Thursday June 15, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Disseminating Moon Phase: share, demonstrate, teach

Moon in Pisces

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

     Sun - 25 Degrees Gemini “A Gardener trimming large palm trees"

     Earth – 25 Degrees Sagittarius “A chubby little rich boy rides upon a hoppyhorse.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

Yesterday, treading lightly was surely in order, as the GOP congressmen found out while out to practice baseball. I noted yesterday about Wise men say only fools rush in. We seem to be at a place where discourse has gone by the wayside, and actions are taking their place. If the strength of ones thoughts aren’t enough, then actions are taking over. But where else might we be looking in yesterday’s discourse that was highjacked by this false flag? It was flag day – why would anyone want to think about that? It was the President’s birthday??

For the Sun: Today’s gardener trimming symbol speaks to clearing out the garbage of the past to give a fresh clean image. It’s time to dive in to bring order and neatness. Cast off the old and unneeded. That which does not serve.

For the Earth:  The visual of the Chubby Rich boy is someone who has everything in life playing and doing whatever they want to. It is safe and comfortable to do so. But in playing, he is not seeing or paying attention to the world outside. It is just practice and play. But one day, he will have to prove himself. Be wary of sitting in this energy. It can be enjoyed, but seems to get you nowhere. Life happens.

Wednesday June 14, 2017

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Disseminating Moon Phase: share, demonstrate, teach

Moon in Aquarius

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun - 24 Degrees Gemini “Carefree Children skating on ice."

Earth – 24 Degrees Sagittarius “A bluebird, a sign of good luck and happiness, is standing at the door of the house.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

Review your feelings from this month’s energy and teach what you are learning.

For the Sun: The skating on ice speaks to treading lightly or carefully going forward. On ice, you cannot be sure of how safe it will be, so take care as you move forward. Tread lightly, as if on eggshells. Wise men say only fools rush in. Be wary of blindly rushing into anything - you may get to the point where you can't safely return to where you began.

For the Earth:  The bluebird is the symbol of good luck and happiness. It is a sign of good fortune, a comfortable home and a sense that one belongs. Ted Andrew’s Animal Speak talks of the seasonal nature of the Bluebird – how the Pueblo Indians saw the bluebird as a winter bird as it would migrate south during the snows of winter and then leave to the north when the desert would get hot. So, it was also a sign of fertility, noting the natural cycles and seasons.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Disseminating Moon Phase: share, demonstrate, teach

Moon in Aquarius

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun - 23 Degrees Gemini “Three fledglings in a nest high up in a tree"

Earth – 23 Degrees Sagittarius “A group of immigrants fulfilling the requirements for entering a new country.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

The moon moves into the disseminating phase today. It is a time to communicate and share your vision of the month. As it is related to the first quarter phase, it is about action. You should review your feelings from this month’s energy and teach what you are learning.

For the Sun: Living in close proximity can be both challenging and comforting depending on the circumstances. The energy of the day calls for leaning on that connection as a source of support. Independence is close, but you can rely on that integration of spirit and body.

For the Earth:  This symbol speaks to the possibility of a better and brighter future. But it’s a future that must be earned. Some of the requirements are structural (citizenship requirements and governmental needs), and some more social like language and dress. Life must be integrated together in your new surroundings in order to get balanced. But by doing so, you fulfill the promise of better things.

I can’t help but think of the interaction of the symbols this month with the present political conditions. Radical magazines, women speaking, Immigrants, Oh My!

Much is happening in the galaxy around us. I grabbed this shot of the planetary interactions from the daily report yesterday on

The diagram helps to point out some of the conjunctions you may read about or pay attention to; especially as they aspect your own natal charts.

Monday June 12, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Full Moon Phase: illumination, realization, fulfillment

Moon in Capricorn

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun - 22 Degrees Gemini “Dancing couples crowd the barn in a harvest festival"

Earth – 22 Degrees Sagittarius “A Chinese laundry.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

Happy Monday! Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls. – Joseph Campbell

For the Sun: We need to regularly celebrate in life. Much of our year is organized in these celebrations and festivals. And we have developed the way to celebrate within our countries, communities and families. So, under this symbol, feel the celebration, take the time to gather with friends, dance and sing.

For the Earth:  The Chinese laundry symbol speaks of a working-class atmosphere, with people working in a non-glamorous environment, feeling un appreciated, possibly disrespected or racially profiled negatively. This is a symbol you must work with to turn to as positive as you can, as on the surface it feels bad. But consider that there is respect in a job well done. But care must be felt toward the negative feeling on the situation.

Saturday/Sunday June 10-11 2017

Saturday/Sunday, June 10-11, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Full Moon Phase: illumination, realization, fulfillment

Moon in Capricorn (as of 7:36 AM Saturday)

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 


   Sun - 20 Degrees Gemini “A Cafeteria with an Abundance of Choices"

   Earth – 20 Degrees Sagittarius “In winter, people cutting ice from a frozen pond, for summer use.”


   Sun - 21 Degrees Gemini “A tumultuous labor demonstration"

   Earth – 21 Degrees Sagittarius “A child and a dog wearing borrowed glasses.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

More later . . . probably.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Full Moon Phase: illumination, realization, fulfillment

Moon in Sagittarius

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty and Goddess Who Fulfills the Highest and Best taking point

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

     Sun - 19 Degrees Gemini "In a ,museum, a large archaic volume reveals a traditional wisdom."

     Earth – 19 Degrees Sagittarius “Pelicans, disturbed by the garbage of people, move their young to a new habitat.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

Before looking at today, those who are logging blogging or journaling the change in symbols, I wanted to note about the convergences I saw in the political world yesterday with the high drama in congress. The 2 Chinese men energy was seen so strongly as people gathered with like-minded friends – looking for a hanging tree if you ask me. But the level of partisanship was insane. Made you want to be that kid under a sunbonnet protected from the drama. And add that to the Radical magazine and Sensational front page.

The Full Moon officially occurs at 9:09 AM this morning (though it was shining bright and clear last night). The full moon brings about the brightest expression of the energy started at the new moon phase; "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page." The way I often consider it is when the earth is literally being pulled apart between the Moon and the Sun’s gravitational pull. It hits us full blast and as Wise Owls we should be ready for it.

For the Sun: There is wisdom to be gained today from tradition. The wisdom of the ages may offer more relevance than ever before today. Is it intuitive within you, or does it need to be studied or researched? You may need to dig deep to find it.

For the Earth:  Be on alert for dangers or intrusions into your life and more importantly those you love and care for. This is a parental or nurturing symbol. Is it from something tangible, like threats to your life and liberty? Or is it more personal – like the pollution of all the political crap?

Be aware of some major astrological aspects as well. As described by Janet Hickox Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, is turning direct at nearly the same time as the Full Moon in Sagittarius conjuncting Saturn!  The result is the revelation of a new path or a new way of expressing yourself in a more authentic way. 

Jupiter turned retrograde in February, and since then an internal transformation has been in the making.  With the turn to Direct (forward) motion, it's now time to get out into the world in a new way ... or a more authentic way!

For your listening pleasure. It’s on!

Thursday June 8, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Gibbous Moon phase: trust, analyze, prepare

Moon in Saggitarius

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun - 17 Degrees Gemini "Two Chinese men talking Chinese in a western crowd."

Earth – 17 Degrees Sagittarius “Tiny Children in Sunbonnets”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

It's the last day of the Gibbous Moon phase, a phase when Spirit works with the energetics and we "hang back" to some degree.  Tomorrow the Full Moon phase begins and we take the reins again, so to speak.  This is one way we co-create with Spirit.  We know when to take action and when to "hold up" according to the phase of the Moon.  Of course, this doesn't mean we don't move forward with our lives during the "yin" or "receptive" or "Spirit-directed" Moon phases.  We just put things in a greater context and follow a longer-term plan.  In this way, we are anchored within the natural cycles of energy and not a puppet to the energy, reacting every time the wind blows. 

For the Sun: The two Chinese men symbol speaks of finding a person, your simpatico, with which you can speak and no one out there can understand you. It is that special language that transcends thought and emotion, and it is private. Where do you find that connection? Is it a person? Is it a group? But from there you can feel at home. The worry is in taking this special place and allowing it to isolate you.

For the Earth:  The sunbonnets speak of providing protection for children. Protection from the outside to allow them their innocence. To allow them to play free and without worry or concern. It is a balance that need to be struck between protection and over protectiveness. While we need protection, where is the line where it goes too far. And as free and sovereign individuals, how much do we allow. Remember not to allow others to go too far, whether it be people we know, or institutions (aka the government).

Wednesday June 7, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Gibbous Moon phase: trust, analyze, prepare

Moon in Scorpio

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun - 17 Degrees Gemini "The head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker"

Earth – 17 Degrees Sagittarius “An Easter sunrise service draws a large crowd.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Lynda Hill:

For the Sun: This Symbol shows how at times in our lives we seem to, or need to, grow up and mature. We realize that there is only so much that one can do with youthful force. This Symbol shows that it is time to use mature thinking, using your intellect and intuition and being able to take in the consequences and responsibilities of one’s actions. Allowing mature wisdom to come through, there can be a feeling of one's mindset changing and growing. Responsibilities are taken on board and it’s time to stop ‘tearing around’ and to be more serious about life and its ramifications. Going from reacting with the lower emotional nature to thinking with the higher mind. Pondering. Thinking things through. Finding answers. A state of stillness. Forever young.

For the Earth:  This degree shows the ability, and the necessity, of being able to rise up after difficulties in one’s life, somewhat like the Phoenix rising from the ashes. One needs to maintain hope and draw together with others who share a sense of faith in the future and in community and the goodness of life. There will be times of spiritual rebirth where you can rise above the failings of the past into new beginnings. Coming out of doubt and despair can lead to a new sense of love, faith and compassion. Join with others in a spirit of joy. There's a need for unwavering faith in communal spiritual values. Performing deeds with reverence. Communal expressions of faith. Peace rallies. Revivals. The need for faith in a bright future. Devotion. Worship. The phoenix rising from the ashes. 

Tuesday June 6, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Gibbous Moon phase: trust, analyze, prepare

Moon in Scorpio

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

     Sun - 16 Degrees Gemini "A woman activist in an emotional speech, dramatizing her cause."

     Earth – 10 Degrees Sagittarius “Seagulls fly around a ship looking for food.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Lynda Hill:

For the Sun: This Symbol shows the need to be able to voice one’s needs, frustrations, emotions or demands without fear of being reprimanded. You may feel misunderstood and disadvantaged simply because of who you are or the position you hold. Even when you stand up for what you feel, you may strike resistance, partly due to others' ignorance. You must press your case or the status quo will remain. If the cause is just and your communications are clear, you will be heard by those who understand or resonate with what you are saying and your influence will spread. Stating one's case. Revealing social passions. Being a mouthpiece for personal or social causes. Wanting people to listen and care. Taking it to the streets. Having a platform. 

For the Earth:  This Symbol shows situations of dependence and/or co-dependence. The “Sea Gulls” are looking for sustenance, a place of refuge perhaps, somewhere that’s a reliable source of food. This can imply situations such as social security, foundations that provide food and shelter for people, charities and benefits OR it can imply spongers, borrowers or people who dog others looking to see what they can gain from the things they discard or don’t want. The trick with this is; don't look to others or have others look to you for opportunities and nourishment, for you may miss your chance of being creative and independent. Who's looking for scraps? Are they worth it? Diminishing essential worth for a specific need. Losing sight of alternatives. Waiting for things to be dished out. Being opportunistic. Scalpers. Leftovers. The homeless. 


Special Note of Thanks To Wise Owl Theresa Geise for transcribing Laura's recorded message from last March. I also tend to work more successfully from the written word rather than from an audio. And in reading the report, see more clearly some of what Laura had said about going forward.

I am in contact with Laura from time to time, though not regularly. And I did not receive specific instruction on how to continue with the messages. Only her comment that she would from time to time offer reports as she saw fit.

So in the meantime, I plan to post basic information. For myself, though, not being the astrologer, it is not so easy. But for continuity, I will include:

1) Moon phase and location

2) Sabian Symbols for Sun and Earth for the day

For me personally, the moon phases offer the most tangible resonation of energy. And since this resident energy is reflecting the energy of the Sabian symbol for each month, I will also note that as well. Also do not be surprised if I share music.

Anyone who feels so inclined, please feel free to add anything more to the conversation. That can include astrological information, planetary conjunctions, solar activity and the like. Commenting can be on Facebook or on the Oracle Report Academy site:

I have also started the first Oracle Report Academy "class" Awakening 101 - which is a reading group of the book Snooze, by Sol Luckman. Feel free to join our discussion - follow regularly or jump in when you see something of interest. The book itself is just something I enjoy. But it also brings to light so many subjects that are relevant to the Awakened mind.

I will say that Laura will be back, and I believe that it will be soon. The Sabian Symbols book that she spoke of is ready for publication this Lunar Month.

Thank you all for being part of this Journey.

Andrew Foss

Monday June 5, 2017

Monday, June 5, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Gibbous Moon phase: trust, analyze, prepare

Moon in Scorpio

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 15 Degrees Gemini "2 Dutch Children talking and studying their lessons together"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

Happy Monday! Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. - Golda Meir

Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Crescent Moon Phase: release, transform, prepare for the new

Moon in Cancer

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month/Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"


Happy Monday! "Whatever you would do, begin it. Boldness has courage, genius and magic in it." ~Goethe

Today is Beltane, May 1. Ancient celebration of life and Spring. For people who celebrate the earth cycles, it is an important fertility holiday with rituals and celebrations together.

My friends at Astrocal sent this blessing that I liked and wanted to share


Beltane is here and nature is bursting forth in all her glory.

Fertility is abundant and life is buzzing.

We're between the spring equinox and the summer solstice.

The waxing solar phase where the days are becoming longer and warmer.



We love going for woodland walks at this time of year

to enjoy the golden sunlight streaming through the trees

and illuminating the carpet of bluebells whose

aroma calm and relaxes the spirit. Highly recommended.

Beltane Blessings,

Ceri & Tina

For all, please share with us your Beltane Blessings!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Crescent Moon Phase: persevere through challenges

Moon in Aquarius - Pisces (11:30 pm ET/4:30 pm UT)

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhuvaneshvari, Goddess Whose Body Is The World, The World Nurse

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Elias, God of the West

Skill: formation

True Alignments:  embarkation, simplicity, clarity, spontaneous gestures and conversations, finding solutions, using past experience to discern, fellowship, achieving something, analyzing or contemplating symbolism, new paths, cooperation, teams, standing by your position or view, respect and winning respect

Catalysts for Change:  trying to intimidate, gossip, the blame game, confusion/overwhelm/overstimulation (take breaks), relying on the same old thing or way, indecisive (take a break), over reliance on others, limited and limiting, war, false flags, prejudice, lack of depth, superficial stance or view, unable to read messages due to issues of worth or value

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "deep within the depths of the Earth, new elements are being formed"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery"

Welcome to an incredibly dynamic week in the sky! 

Second Renaissance (the return of liberty, wisdom, and sanity) gets a massive boost from the planets this week as the Sun moves toward conjunction with Saturn, and setting off activations with other planets. 

The Sun and Saturn will make exact conjunction on Saturday, December 10, 2016, at 6:40 am ET/11:40 am UT, with the energetic building all week. 

Via astrological aspect, the Sun and Saturn's conjunction will pull in the energetics of Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, and Chiron.  I would characterize this week as "epic."

Primarily, a Sun-Saturn conjunction dramatically increases new productivity, organization, systems, and structures.  We can accomplish a lot.  New ways to do things, new ways to be, and new foundations form.

We already have an energetic in place all month long that promotes the formation of prominent new things -- things that come from the depths, core, or heart of matters - with the New Moon's energetic of "deep within the depths of the Earth, new elements are being formed."  Saturn LOVES form.  And Saturn rules Capricorn, an Earth sign, so the conjunction will be "Earth moving" to various degrees.  GEOPHYSICAL EFFECTS SHOULD BE EXPECTED, AND THEY COULD BE QUITE POWERFUL.  The Electric Universe is charging up.

But the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn takes places in the fire sign of Sagittarius, 19 Sagittarius, with the harmonic frequency of "pelicans, disturbed by the garbage of people, move their young to a new habitat." 

There are some things we just cannot abide.

Therefore, we make a change.  We go into new formation.  It's a change that comes from a deep place --  a place of spiritual immersion in the values of freewill, integrity, and purity.

Combine all of this with Uranus, The Mover and Changer, in opposition with Jupiter, The Expander, and we have massive shift -- epic shift.

Since Uranus is discharging 21 Aries (the Eris Point), "a boxer entering the ring," reckoning and rectification are happening to rebirth free humanity.

So you may be having your own shift on your own scale right now.  Everything happens simultaneously at the micro (individual) level and the macro (collective) level.  If planets in your own natal chart are being activated, this would be particularly true for you.  You do not need an astrology chart to know if things are happening or changing within your body, psyche, and soul.  You know.

Couched within the Sun and Saturn's predominant theme of shifting toward what is more nourishing or in better alignment this week, today we have four sub themes:

1 - CHATTER, MENTAL CHATTER, AND ACTIVITY - Venus discharges the energetic of "a large aviary," which brings a lot of stimuli.  So much can start to happen that it is hard to keep up.  Confusion can set in.  There can be too much noise, prompting the need for quiet time or time with joyful noise (music).  But before tuning out, listen for a while, because...

2 - SIGNS AND MESSAGES are being delivered courtesy of two "divinatory" symbols, the Sun discharging "the ground hog looking for its shadow on Ground Hog's Day," and Venus later discharging "a woman reading tea leaves."  Catalysts are recognized.  Archetypes are understood.  Direction is given.  It is highly likely that something very important is delivered through...

3 - COOPERATION AND COMING TOGETHER WITH LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE.  Conversations or communications with others take on special significance now, as the Universe charges up the field around us to give us information.  This would be important information -- information that is life-changing or epic.  The Earth is discharging "two Dutch children talking," enhancing the effect, along with Mercury discharging "a group of people entering a large canoe for a journey by water."  Things take off.  We embark.  It works best today in collaboration with others, and we just may find that this means...

4 - GOING PLACES.  "Not all who wander are lost." (J.R.R. Tolkien)  Uranus puts us where we need to be emotionally, mentally, and physically.  If we have not been able to "get there" or get to where we need to be, Uranus will rearrange things to make it so.  This can sometimes be shocking and traumatic because Uranus takes swift and severe action when needed.  But if we remember that the changes are happening for what is better, we can flow with its charge.  We are going to "the depths" this month, all so that new things can form.

The Moon made conjunction with Mars and trine with Jupiter earlier today, so there is ample energy for action.  Direct your will accordingly.

Stabilization and formation are the main undercurrents all month long.  This is a process.  It is a process of change.  Change is the nature of the Universe.  Change brings experience.  Experience produces wisdom.

People will have (and have already been having) dramatic reactions to the impending Sun-Saturn conjunction.  Saturn is the energetic "home" of the Archons.  The Sun has been pummeling that level of consciousness with high level radiation since April 18, 2015.  This is significantly amplified this week with the conjunction.  In other words, it's Archons Gone Wild because the Sun is returning them back to love (back to Sophia, their Source), and they perceive it as annihilation.  It's a complex discussion, but be aware that people, places, and things may be very unpredictable, illogical, irrational, or enthralled in the madness of drama.

Meanwhile, the epic story unfolds...