


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Crescent Moon Phase: persevere, strive

Moon in Aquarius/Pisces 12:45 pm ET/5:45 pm UT

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara, Goddess Who Guides Through Troubles and Dhumavati. Goddess Who Winnows

God of Will/Desire: Elias. God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: remain focused on the basic elements; streamline and simplify

True Alignments: fundamentals, regarding the basics, creative expression of emotions, the root cause /issue discovered, cutting through the extraneous, comfort, moving through multiple emotional states with grace, caring for things, new connections, expertise, simple celebrations, being considerate, the spirit of giving and receiving

Catalysts for Change: switching back and forth, disregarding/minimizing/underestimating others, parading around and showing off, falling into disrepair, meddling, the need to stand out in a crowd or be the center of attention, worry, crowding in, over-produced to the extreme, a race or chase that goes now nowhere

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "in winter, people cutting ice from a frozen pond for use in summer"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

"Galactic Center Week" continues as the Sun inches ever-closer to conjunction with the Galactic Center, aligning us closer with Spirit.  Alongside of this, we have the other major event of Mars inching into opposition with the Eris Point, prompting action to rectify, restore, and rebirth.

Mars will make exact opposition with the Eris Point tomorrow, Thursday, December 17 at 4:45 pm ET.  Until that time, "battles" are engaged.  Battles of the mind, battles of the field of consciousness, battles between people, battles between ideas, and battles between forces ensue under this dynamic.  In Greek mythology, Mars is the God of War, and his twin sister Eris is the Goddess of the Battlefield.  When Mars makes opposition with the Eris Point, radical things can happen.  Things quake.  They also break.  But then a restoration or rebirth occurs.  So we are aware that to some degree in our lives and in the world, a massive process of degeneration and regeneration is underway.

Mars opposing the Eris Point has a rather tumultuous relationship with words.  There is a tendency is to blurt, burst, and bust with words.  Most often, these are things that have been brewing under the surface for a while and need to be said.  Unconsciously, it is rarely gentle.  But, with conscious awareness, words can be chosen with care, even precision.  One sentence can deliver.

The potential for powerful communications is also enhanced by the degree of Venus today at "telephone linemen at work installing new connections."  Repairs to interpersonal communications is part of this energy, but I have found that it is much more about exactly what the symbol says - new ways to hear/listen/communicate/connect.  This energy builds and constructs new methods or ways.  This is energy for creating the Second Renaissance - the time when humanity recalibrates and retunes toward the value of life, liberty, and creative expression.

The "communication" theme today is amplified by the fact that we are in the second of two lunar months that are "Disseminating cycles" - the cycle that promotes sharing, communication, and feedback.  Messages and communications with Spirit (through nature, through background noise, through overheard conversation, and through direct interaction) are dramatically highlighted.

Today is also an excellent day to present, make an impression, and set sights on goals (or anything) with Mercury located at "pheasants display their brilliant colors on a private estate" and the Earth located at "a gardener trimming large palm trees."  This energy refines and shines.  We can "spiffy up" anything.  Devote "your best" to something that is important to you, something that brings out your brilliant self, something that is of great service, or something that is beautiful (in the grandest sense of the word).  Also, taking something back to basics will likely bring a resolution (be the answer).

As these strong energies weave through life during Galactic Center Week, wise owls remember that the overarching theme this month is time and timing.  We are making headway, cutting through what has been frozen with control for many years to get to what we need.  We are breaking through to restore our world.  We say, "It is about time."