


Friday, March 27, 2015

First Quarter Moon Phase: take action

Moon in Cancer

Wisdom Goddess: Bagalamukhi

Skill: step out of your comfort zone or out of your habit/pattern

Positive Imprints: sustenance, figuring our where to start, releasing what feels burdensome and allowing to transform into something else, seeing things in a different light, lightening up, self-reliance, desire to be helpful and useful, understanding where you may have let yourself down and changing the pattern

Catalysts for Change: taking on too much or taking on other's problems, being weighed down, wandering from the true self, loneliness, solutions that do not benefit everyone, self-sabotage, illusions, shutting down

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month:

The mighty influence of Uranus and Pluto, so prominent over the last couple of weeks, is re-engaged today with the Moon's dance with Pluto in the sky tonight at 9:15 pm ET/1:15 am UT).  The day builds to the night, but all day long we are returning to home base - our "center."  In other words, the destination today is back toward our inner selves.

Several themes are encountered along the way.  Issues related to support, appreciation, and recognition are concentrated.  If someone feels unsupported, unappreciated, or unacknowledged, it will show out today.  The show may be highly dramatic and emotional.  This is a purging or release of what has been pent up or repressed, which is in line with this month's lunar dynamics of releasing and letting go of what no longer needs to be held.

It is best to honor and respect anything is falling away, as it served a purpose.  There is no need to trash anything.  We hold dignity for the human experience.

With the goal of returning to home base or returning to inner center, we are strengthening our skills of fluidly moving between worlds.  Self-reliance builds.  As we gain clearer alignment with who we are and what we are here to do, we see that we are playing a role in a grand drama.  Then we come to see that we can play the role lovingly and PLAYFULLY.  As we are re-called (called back) to home base today, we are also called back to our childlike view of the world.  The childlike view of the world sees adventure, magic, and wonder.

When we return to center, we naturally reconnect with unseen guidance and wisdom.  All that we need is there.

The Moon's transit of Pluto (by astrological opposition, meaning they are 180 degrees apart) occurs at the degree of "a man studying a mandala in front of him with the help of a very ancient book."  The parliament of wise owls at Oracle Report often returns to coloring mandalas to center ourselves and allow things to flow out.  Insight is gained into our state of mind.  Several years ago, wise owl Szabi created the Oracle Report logo, which is a mandala.  You can download it here, print it out, and color it.  It should be fun and freeing, so if you aren't having fun with it, do something else.  Maybe color freestyle.

The astrological winds may gust today, but we stay on course, determined to return home.  What awaits you there?  Does your inner home have a blazing hearth or gentle glow?  Either way, it is ready to embrace you.