


Friday, June 5, 2015

Full Moon Phase: revelations, clarity

Moon in Capricorn

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: practice impulse control (going with the flow)

Catalysts for Change: settling for much less, minimizing self and self worth, pessimistic about relationships, pushing others, manipulation of media, co-dependency, extremely angry outbursts that tax the body's immune system, desperation and panic, reactionary, inflammatory, feeling victimized and misunderstood, stuck, resistant

True Alignments: rallying and team building, dignity, recognition and expression of true self, receiving important information, inner wisdom, clarity, seeing true value, alternatives or new options and opportunities, setting a standard or drawing a line

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a woman reawakened to romance"

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"

On its last day, the Full Moon phase makes a spectacular exit.  It's a last punch of energy for revelations, revisions, and results that will reverberate through the remainder of the lunar cycle.

Part of the blast effect is due to Venus' movement into the fires of Leo with the Sabian symbol of "under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man's head,"  It is always a stark jolt from Cancer energy into Leo.  Emotions are sparked and spread like wildfire.  The Moon will be in opposition, magnifying and multiplying the effects.

Other energetics are also pushing for revelations, revisions, and results in our lives and in the world.  Things are trying to come to light.  Most of this is coming via communications.  The Sun and also Mercury are discharging energetics that are bringing things forward from deep within us.  It's a radical process to produce radical clarity.  A random conversation that is overheard can ignite as much profound insight as a conversation with a long-time, like-minded friend.  A headline can produce an awakening or understanding of something we thought we had grasped, but now see that it was emotionally unintegrated.  In other words we intellectually understood something, but did not feel the totality of it until now.

The big push for revelation, revisions, and results comes courtesy of the Black Moon beginning exact opposition with Chiron.  Exact opposition is Monday, June 8, 2015, when the energetic will be strongest, but it begins in earnest today.  The wave of energy brings an awakening to the truth.  The truth of all kinds of things appears.  All of this helps us balance and realign our lives and our world toward a better way.

But it isn't necessarily the easiest thing when it comes in full force like this.  Feeling the "totality" of things can craze people.  The energetics are renegade and bringing up our inner rebel (or outlaw to the untrue law) so that we can align with our heart's desires.  The key is to adjust.  Adjustment takes time; reaction does not.  In the fifth dimensional level of consciousness, we temper our reactions to give time for us (and the field around us) to adjust.  We learn how to go with the flow better.  In the adjustment phase, we can use the time wisely by creating, revising, and recuperating.

  As things fire up in response to the energetics, we understand and channel it toward alignment with our heart's desires, our hopes, wishes, and dreams, and the value of life.  We bravely approach clarity and allow ourselves time for adjustment when it is revealed.

Check back this weekend for the weekend report about the unfolding Black Moon/Chiron opposition and Episode 2 of the "Parliament of Wise Owls."