


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Crescent Moon Phase: persevere, meet challenge

Moon in Gemini

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Chinnamasta, Goddess Who Expands the Mind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill:  look for opportunities; see foreshadowing of the future

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month and the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcendence)

Greetings, wise owls, from the beauty within the beast that is Washington, DC. The Mahavidyas, the Wisdom Goddesses, sent me on a quick trip East for the beginning of the Magic Carpet Ride of the new year.  I have been under heavy instruction and construction over the past few days and have much to report, but today's Oracle Report is abbreviated due to my "field trip."  This report is written in my phone and emailed to Andrew for posting, so here is the short of it:

Three main themes today:

OPPORTUNITIES will "blow" in, and we need to recognize their potential, even if they are out of the ordinary, especially so, even.  These things will be related to things that will provide long term benefit.  

THE FUTURE is foreshadowed today, meaning things that develop (ideas, projects, feelings, events, insights - anything) give us a glimmer of the future. 

BALANCE is key. Things that are going on are showing how, where, what, and when to balance. 

Two other things:

1- Uranus makes exact conjunction with the Eris Point today. Let freedom, truth, and rebirth ring! 

2- FYI- Neptune (spirituality) has moved to the 12th degree of Pisces - "an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood." Things come up to a new level with this one. It will be in place for a while.  My own "exam" has thus far been quite enlightening, as I am sure yours will be. 

And a few notes: 

1- Per a request for a fact check, to clarify, the new year as followed here is calculated by the natural cycles of the Sun and Moon. The new year begins at the time and date when the Sun and Moon make exact conjunction in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. 

2- Due to the number of requests for readings, it is taking more time to reply. Please stand by. 

3- Several readers have asked about Part 2 of the article of the Magic Carpet Ride. Well, the instruction I needed for that concludes today, so again please stand by. Much is in process and it takes the assistance of the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi (a multi tasker extraordinaire) to direct it all. 

See everyone tomorrow. Much love from the field.