


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Full Moon Phase: clarity, enlightenment

Moon in Aquarius

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  find commonality

True Alignments:  heartfelt revelations, persistent/not giving up, leap of faith, quiet time, pressing on, clear cut, the flow of information, feelings of home, welling or coming up, open to messages, paths opening, seeing what is most valuable to us in life

Catalysts for Change:  exclusion, taking or doing something the longer or harder way, too much detail, judgment of failure, picky, too much noise or information, obsessions, not taking time to reflect or relax, suppression of emotions, comparing or judging self against others, manipulation of currency or markets

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a very old man facing a vast dark space to the northest" (facing)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending)

Today's energetics build toward cutting through the extraneous or the obstacles and getting straight to it.  So I will endeavor to do that.

Today begins with a sort of "birth" of something potentially quite precious and inspirational. Interestingly, this "birth" or beginning of something may come about from a forced choice, judgment, or comparison of things that are very much the same.  This comes as the Sun disseminates the energetic of "a Greek muse weighing twins in golden scales."

It would be rare for twins to be born the exact same weight, but the symbol expresses the notion of "sameness" with the term "twins."  So the teaching that is offered is to look at the commonality between things if having to weigh one way or thing against another.  We may come to realize that the two things are very much the same, and thus imbalance can be remedied.  This energetic is highly esoteric and hard to get one's head around, so thinking about things with a "softer mind" in order to grasp its teaching is the method to use.

It may help to take the position of Mercury into account with this, as it gives us the "prequel" to the "twins' birth," as it discharges "cherub-like, a human soul whispers, seeking to manifest."

(The combination could also refer to the concept of soul mates or twin souls as part of the story today.)

Adding to the theme of muses providing inspiration, the Moon will oppose Venus at the degree of "during a silent hour, a man receives a new inspiration which may change his life."

The inspiration or messages may come via symbolism, signs, synchronicities, intuition or gut instinct because the Earth is discharging the energetic of "a woman reading tea leaves."  All that is needed is the will and desire to receive.  All that it takes is being open and observant and practice.

To navigate the field of symbols, signs, synchronicities, intuition, and gut instinct, the wisdom of our experiences should be taken into account.  Mercury the Messenger, which is relatively fast, also discharges the energetic of "an old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage" today.  So reflection on the past is part of this.

The energetics today rock and swing.  Not only does Mercury have the "sea captain rocking," but Venus is discharging "children on a swing in a huge oak tree."  This is movement back and forth - between "two scales" perhaps, as in the "Greek muse weighing with a golden scale."

By day's end, the back and forth resolves, as the Moon opposes Mercury at the Sabian symbol of "a train entering a tunnel."  The energetic of "twos" unites into "one" - one answer, one direction (forward).

Cutting to the end, we see that today holds potential for transformative experiences.  Transformation means changing from one state of being to another.  Minds, bodies, feelings, souls, spirits, hearts, beliefs, projects, energy, LIVES are changed -- they turn into something else.  Something golden, perhaps?

(P.S. In Greek mythology, there were nine muses or sisters who were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne and presided over the arts of history, music, tragedy, religious music, epic poetry, lyric poetry, comedy, dance, and astronomy.  Do any of these call to you today?)