


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust; the power of the mind to manifest

Moon in Aquarius

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best, Goddess of Beauty

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: undertake a mental/emotional/spiritual shift

True Alignments: following a code of conduct and integrity, long lineages, honor, the hero/heroine's journey, moving beyond shame and self-judgment, things coming to light, thoughtful, working together, truth, accepted

Catalysts for Change: trust issues, restrictions, coming between people and divide/conquer, elitism, stuck, self-sabotage, superficial, know it all's, bossing others around, unfair advantages, things that have been hidden, alienated, criticism, conformity, feeling that something has been taken away (did it need to go?)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows" (seeing clearly, moving past darkness, moving beyond duality)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending the unraveling control paradigm)

Today, Mighty Jupiter closes out a window of time that will prove to mark history.  Jupiter moved into Libra last Friday (September 9, 2016), and since then has been discharging the energetic of "a butterfly preserved and made perfect with a dart through it."  With Jupiter, this energetic "freezes" a moment in time, inciting the immortality of events. 

Each of us is undergoing a shift in mindset, values, and feelings, and humanity as a whole is as well.

This is happening as we are in a month that steers us clearly, with the theme of "two heads looking out and beyond the darkness."  Shadows, illusions, and deceptions are cleared away.  This month we are seeing things that are very important for us to see (about ourselves, others, the world).

Today, the revelations continue.  The Earth is discharging the energetic of "a prophet bringing down the law from Mount Sinai."  Law is further highlighted with Venus first discharging "two men placed under arrest," and later moving to "a gang of robbers in hiding."  Misdoings are revealed.  (More leaks today?)

Revelation that no one is above The Law accompanies this with the Sun discharging "a royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones."  What is precious to humanity is rising and lining up.  Those who feel "above" the fellowship of humanity find out otherwise under this energetic.  "The hammer" drops on petty tyrants in the workplace, home, politics, school, etc.

Mars and the Sun remain in a square (90 degrees apart), amplifying frustration, anger, and sadness, but also amplifying the ability to take action, stand up for something, and revise things (particularly how we think about self and others).

Within these energetics, we also have Venus moving into range of opposition (180 degrees apart) with Uranus.  Exact conjunction occurs on Sunday, September 18.  Between now and then, we can expect the unexpected (particularly with relationships).  Uranus does two things exceptionally well: saves us by our rejections and puts us where we need to be when we have been unable to do it ourselves.

Since Venus "rules" money as well as love and relationships, sudden change could be experienced within financial markets.  This would be highlighted Friday, September 16 and Monday, September 19.

What is precious to you?  What does your own "coat of arms" represent?

What has this "moment in time" brought you?  What has it shifted?