


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: First Quarter Phase - step out, take action

Moon in Libra Until 12:59 PM EST, when it will move to Scorpio. Moon will be Void of Course from 9:15 until 12:59

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day: 

Sun – 11 Degrees Cancer “A Clown is caricaturing well known personalities.”

Earth – 11 Degrees Capricorn “Pheasants display their brilliant colors on a private estate.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month Cancer: "An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Andrew:

If you missed it yesterday, Laura Walker recorded a message and it is posted at entitled “All Roads Lead to Liberty 1: Mars-Pluto opposition, 4th of July 2017 & stepping into Renaissance:


Sun – A Clown is caricaturing well known personalities. – This symbol pictures being lighthearted and having fun. Relax and enjoy. This is a holiday weekend in North American, between Canada Day and US Independence Day where there are lots of picnics and parades and fireworks. Time to relax and have fun. It also suggests about not being real or using the mask or makeup to hide behind. Will we find that balance between the two?

Earth – Pheasants display their brilliant colors on a private estate. Do you enjoy luxury and finery? This symbol shows exclusive riches and refinement where abundance is everywhere. But being a game bird, the pheasant may be in danger. Do you admire its beauty as part of the decor, or is it a set piece in the middle of the table? Whether you're a visitor or an occupant, going out and looking at the beauty of your life and your surroundings: the buildings, lawns, plants and wildlife, can heighten your day. Luxury. Displays of wealth. Statues and birdbaths. Enjoying the riches the environment offers.