


Friday, May 4 - Sunday, May 6, 2018

Continuing from where we left off yesterday, here is the breakdown of the aspects through the weekend, which you may want to refer back to as the weekend progresses.  The Moon will be in Capricorn (bringing Black Moon Days) until Sunday at 10:49 am ET/2:49 pm UT, when the Moon leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius.

NOTE:  The times listed below are times of exact conjunction.  Astrological energies move in waves (specifically sine waves).  They build, crest, and then wane.  The exact time is the crest of the wave, but the energy is in effect for a few hours before and after the crest.

(Special note for those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Cancer or Capricorn:  This transit of the Moon through Capricorn is likely to be the strongest transit of the 9-month period of rebirth that ends in August, since the Black Moon, Pluto, and Mars are close together right now.  Your energy levels may be much lower, but this is how the Black Moon works.  She makes us tired so that we will rest, enabling the Black Moon energy to rebirth us from the core level.  Practice your best self care, give yourself a break, and know that feelings of being unappreciated and ignored are amplified.  What wisdom is this bringing?  We can face the reality and truth of it.  What do YOU appreciate and acknowledge?)


4:02 pm ET/8:02 pm: MOON CONJUNCT SATURN - Yesterday I mistakenly reported this aspect as happening at 4:02 am, when it is pm.  The Moon-Saturn conjunction is the dominant energetic today, amplifying the typical effects of a Black Moon day, bringing our shadow sides, projection of our feelings onto others, and, since Saturn is involved, we tend to view "failures" and pour on (self) criticism.

However, this conjunction of the Moon and Saturn comes on the day 1 Sun in the tzolkin AND the conjunction happens at 09 Capricorn -  "an angel carrying a harp."  Events that happen and the things that the Black Moon reveals are intended to harmonize and align us with what is best for us.

The combination of today being 1 Sun, a holy day in the tzolkin, and the Moon-Saturn conjunction at "an angel carrying a harp" means we can bring in (carry) a harmonic of heavenly realms.  To what can you bring peace and love?

The Sun discharges 15 Taurus, "a man with a rakish silk hat muffled against the cold braves a storm."  This tells us to go within to weather any difficulties or challenges.  Practice the skill of being like a wise old owl in a tree (inside oneself) and observe before reacting.  This is advised all weekend, actually.

The Earth discharges 15 Scorpio, "children playing around five mounds of sand."  Five is love - let's create MOUNDS OF LOVE.  As wise owl Jeanine points out, with all of the surreal information coming to light, we AMP UP our love wave.  Let's turn it up to 11 and keep it there.  We rise to the occasion.

1 Sun is a fantastic day to end something and start something new.  My teacher called it "the stopping point in the march of time."  How about the end of victimhood and the beginning of victory?  We are sovereign beings, no matter what.

In the time of the native peoples or First People, a prayer to the Great Spirit would be the focus of the whole day.  Holiness is needed this weekend.

SATURDAY - 2 Crocodile

1:56 pm ET/5:56 pm UT - MOON CONJUNCTS THE BLACK MOON at "a hidden choir singing."  The angel carried the harp and now the choir sings, hidden from view.  Advantage: light workers.  This energy brings unseen assistance from higher dimensional spiritual forces.  We are uplifted.  If the strong energetics of the weekend start to pile on and emotionally spin you, consider offering up a prayer.  Turn it over to a Higher Power. 

This conjunction brings up issues with being recognized, seen, heard, and acknowledged, and their opposites -- unrecognized, unseen, unheard, unacknowledged. 

How can things come together instead of splitting apart?

5:00 pm ET/9:00 pm UT - MOON CONJUNCTS PLUTO at "a general accepting defeat gracefully." Ah, General Pluto returns.  We stop and open space for grace.  Not grace from Pluto - he is the messenger.  We reject the 2 Crocodile energy that tries to divide and conquer, and settle in low, with our ears and bellies close to the ground.  Lay low and stay grounded.  Madness is overhead.

Pay close attention to dreams tonight. 

May the light of God descend.

SUNDAY - 3 Wind

2:20 am ET/6:20 am UT - MOON CONJUNCTS MARS at "a nature spirit dancing in a waterfall."  This energetic sets the stage for the birth of something new.  What did your dreams tell you, if you remember?

Anytime Mars is involved, it is important to MOVE the energy by MOVING the body in some way.  Writing out feelings is a form of movement, but something more vigorous may be more effective.  Movement is always the prescription for any difficulties with Mars.

9:48 am ET/1:48 pm UT - MOON SQUARE URANUS bringing changes and shifts, and things that are unexpected.  "Wind" days often bring sudden things, as well.  Where is this wind taking you today?

10:49 am ET/2:49 pm UT - MOON ENTERS AQUARIUS and I will leave it with that.

Remember that as the Black Moon, Pluto, and Mars are all teaming up now, on the interpersonal level they are bringing changes in relationships.  This all leads and connects to the big time when the Black Moon and Pluto make conjunction on May 17/18.  So what is happening this weekend will be reactivated or revisited then.

Happy 1 Sun, everyone, and much love!

PS - I may record more information on this weekend's energetics (like I did freestyle yesterday - a "studio session" as one wise owl called it) later.  Yesterday and today's google doodle has signatures that relate to the solar simulator I have been discussing and its relationship to the "alchemical wedding."  I will be referencing the work of Tracy Twyman. 

I will not be sending out an email if I record, so please subscribe to the Oracle Report Bitchute channel and click notifications if you want to know when it comes out.  I am also posting the daily reports there and on