


Monday, December 15, 2014

Third Quarter Moon Phase: reorientation

Moon in Libra

Ruling Mahavidya: Bhairavi (Goddess of Arts)

Skill: respond with high hope

Negative Imprint: demolition of hierarchy, denying happiness, consciously manipulating others, immaturity, projection of negativity, militaristic aggression

Positive Imprint: devotion, good fortune, common good, power for good, calm, rewards, reverence, independence, integration

For the first time since November 15, yesterday the Sun released a solar flare with coronal mass ejection.  The M1.6 flare and resulting CME occurred at 2:33 pm ET/7:33 pm UT. 

Solar flares shoot packets of light (information) to us with specific intentions in mind.  The specific intention or mission of a CME can be discovered by looking at the Sabian symbol, or energetic description, of the degree of the Moon at the time of the CME.  The Moon was located at 26 Virgo, in exact square to the Galactic Center, at the symbol of " a boy with a censer (covered incense burner that swings from chains) serves near the priest at the altar."

When the Sabian symbols "returned" to consciousness in the 1920's, the symbol of a boy at an altar with a priest had a different connotation than it does today.  A deeply negative imprint has twisted into this symbol.  But at the highest level, this symbol is about renewed hope.

This CME happened as powerhouses Uranus and Pluto were moving into exact square once again this year.  They came into exact astrological aspect at 7:46 pm ET/00:46 am UT, but the effects were being felt for days in advance (and will continue to be felt for a few days as the planets move off from their dance).

Perhaps another intention of the renewed hope that comes from this energy is for the priest at the altar to return to the original idea of serving the highest interests of the boy - of all children?  Perhaps the boy has now grown into a man and stands in front of the priest, holding him accountable to the Laws of Life?  Perhaps the waves of sea change that are coming ashore with the Sacred Masculine are beginning to rectify wickedness and return sanity?

This symbol also images the idea of the simplest elements being vital.  Burning incense shifts the time-space/space-time of the altar and anyone focused on what's going on at the altar.  In this way, the incense, and the boy who is swinging the incense burner, are the simple but necessary parts.  In kind, we may feel like we are one small part of the big picture, playing our role in the divine dream, but wisdom tells us that all are parts are necessary.  Without each of them there would not be a collective.  Sabaoth the Sun reminds us that we are all important and that the smallest elements are critical to the overall purpose.

Additionally today, our friend the bluebird of happiness returns to stand at the door of our inner house with the Sun reaching the degree of this Sabian symbol.  If you have been following the Oracle Report this month, you know that the bluebird of happiness has been flying in from time to time.  Today the bluebird is serious about bringing good fortune and magnetically drawing us toward people of like mind, heart, and spirit.  The energy helps us make progress and move forward with less resistance, enabling us to continue "nexusing" with others and implementing plans for the future that were made eons ago.  This month is a homecoming of soul families to reorient the world and bring the Second Renaissance.

This month has been a spiritually-busy one, with the Full Moon pouring down cosmic rain to uplift consciousness.  Tangible, external representations of hopes, wishes, dreams, and plans become visible as consciousness is expanding.  The things that we've projected from our minds begin to manifest in the grand dream we are all dreaming.  The dream is getting bigger and becoming even more alive.

All of this brings a new sense of being, an enlarged perspective about our lives, and an enhanced journey through deeper spiritual levels.  Today is about reorienting - shifting from one state of mind or being to a higher one.  Respond to the energy with high hopes for the promise of happiness.