


Saturday, April 18, 2015 - The Second Renaissance

New Moon Phase (2:56 pm ET/6:56 pm UT): set intentions/plant seeds (hopes, wishes, and dreams)

Goddess of Wisdom: Chinnamasta (Goddess Who Expands the Mind)

God of Will: Ian Achoneses (God of the East, The King of the Battlefield)

Skill: insert your intentions for your future and for the future of the world

Positive Imprints: resetting

Catalysts for Change: resetting

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month and New Year: "the music of the spheres"

Happy New Epoch!

A resetting or recalibration of the fields of consciousness occurs with the New Moon in Aries Saturday at 2:56 pm ET/6:56 pm UT.  In the natural cycles of the Sun, Moon, and Earth and the cycles of astrology, the new year begins each year when the Sun and Moon meet in the zodiacal sign of Aries.  This year is quite different, though, because it doesn't just usher in a new year, it signals the beginning of a new epoch.

The Sabian symbol or energetic code for the degree of this historic event is 29 Aries and "the music of the spheres."  The spheres are the planets, but we are also spheres.  Let's see what will be "playing" this year:

  • Sun and Moon: the music of the spheres
  • Earth: humanity's vast enduring effort to reach forth knowledge transferable from generation to generation
  • Mercury: a Christmas tree decorated
  • Venus: a quiver filled with arrows
  • Mars: on the beach, children play while shellfish grope at the edge of the water
  • Black Moon: children crowd around an orangutan cage in the zoo
  • Jupiter: an old sea captain rocking on the porch of his cottage 
  • Saturn: two men playing chess
  • Uranus: an empty hammock
  • Pluto: in a hospital, the children's ward is filled with toys
  • Chiron: a table set for an evening meal
  • Neptune: an aviator in the clouds
  • North Node: three old masters hanging in a special room of an art gallery
  • South Node: a crystal gazer

I will discuss how I see these energies manifesting starting this month and how they play into not only the next year, but the future.  For now, these images can swirl around the source field and return something back to you in the form of wisdom.

The recalibration of the music of the spheres brings a return to balance.  Old beliefs, feelings, and systems based on outworn or power/control dynamics will be disempowered with one fell swoop at the time of the New Moon.  It will not be apparent overnight.  But progressively we will see that new systems, feelings, and beliefs (a return to what is good, balanced, natural, and sane) are not only supported, but rising.

I can think of no better thing to celebrate.  Celebrate with music, people, nature, animals, insects, elements - anything you want.  But mark this in time and space.  Remember where you were and what you were doing when the new world rose.  Give celebration in your own way, knowing you are joining other wise owls around the world.

Here's a final thought: Is the "music of the spheres" different because we are shifting into a new sphere, a new dimension?  Perhaps it isn't the music of the spheres that is changing so much.  Maybe it is us that has changed and now we've come to a new level.

(Project for any interested wise owls:  The music of the spheres is evolving the Sabian symbols as well.  If you would like to join in tracking how this is, you can  copy the Sabian Symbol List of all 360 Sabian symbols now on the LEARN page.  Make a "journal" or data file (or whatever strikes your fancy) with a page for each symbol.  You would need a notebook or journal with at least 180 pages if you use the back sides.  The first page is 1 Aries and the last page is 30 Pisces.  Each day as the Sun moves you can make note of signs, synchronicities, or messages and any symbolism that you encountered.  You can start anytime, but if you start today, start at 29 Aries - the degree of the New Moon and the Sabian symbol of the music of the spheres.  This is a longer-term project that will help us discern the changes in the energies of the degrees, but it will be highly valuable.  Many thanks to behind-the-scenes-wise owl Anna for compiling the list.  Let's see what this symphony has to teach us.)