


Friday, September 14, 2018

Wise owls, be aware that we are under a Mars square Uranus aspect through Tuesday, September 18 (exact square occurs September 18 at 6:43 pm ET/10:43 pm UT).

Interestingly, Mars is discharging 02 Aquarius, “an unexpected storm,” and Uranus is discharging 02 Taurus, “an electrical storm.”

We have seen various types of “storms” brewing. Mars and Uranus are both “fast” energies. Things change and develop quickly. Things come from out of the blue, but they are not necessarily “bad.” In fact, Uranus makes sure that the changes occur to rectify situations. There is always a silver lining to anything that happens when Uranus is in effect.

Lighting-fast bursts of anger are common under this transit. Brilliant flashes of inspiration occur just as much.

One thing is for sure: this astrological aspect moves things forward.

It is wise to remember that we are only “in control” of events to a certain degree. Most of what happens comes from “on high.” If we are tightly gripping for control, we would do well to loosen up. And trust. Trust is the keyword this month.

This is the main story this weekend, as the only other major astrological aspect is Mercury trine Pluto on Saturday. This may turn our thoughts a little darker, as Mercury rules our thinking and communication processes, and Pluto rules transformation of darkness. The best advice is to slow down, take time to smell the roses (or watch the leaves fall), and mind our own lives instead of comparing them to others. (Mercury will be discharging “a swimming race;” Pluto will be discharging “a child of about five carrying a huge shopping bag full of groceries.” Take a load off, and don’t let Mercury in Virgo get too critical.)

I will see you back on Monday, unless circumstances demand otherwise. And did you catch this story? Local mainstream media is reporting it, but national media is ignoring it (as usual). What’s up with this?