


"Get Strong" - Thursday, May 19, 2022

Tzolkin/Soul Kin Sacred Count:  8 Owl (forgiveness of wisdom)

Moon in Capricorn

Disseminating Moon Phase:  share, communicate

Higher Octaves:  standing up, observing patterns, making a case, leading others to trust, ripe, gracious, gifts of all kinds -- especially gifts of communication, cooperation, skill, harmonious, satisfying, magical expression, persistent, sharing a task

Lower Octaves:  neglect, trying to win approval, stubbornly resisting change, reliance on things that must be maintained by others, defensive, self sacrifice, domination, commitments that erode energy, rejection, punishment, not sharing the credit for something, critical judge

MISSION:  get stronger


The Taurus cycle occurred at the Sabian symbol of “a woman sprinkling flowers” and guided us to rest, recharge, and restore our energetic bodies this month.

Today this comes into special focus with the energies of cooperation with the Sun discharging “two cobblers working at a table.” Like-minds share and work together. The two cobblers are aligned in their mission. They are working together for a cause.

What happens when someone isn’t working for the cause of truth and love? Maybe they are lost in hopelessness or helplessness. Maybe this is you, at times. Forgiveness, leniency, and a non-judgmental attitude are suggested with the symbols of the Earth and Venus today. (The Earth is discharging “an Indian woman pleading to the chief for the lives of her children.” Venus is discharging “a young girl feeding birds in winter.”)

This is why it is important to not feed energy into hopelessness and helplessness. If one of the “cobblers” falls into doubt and despair, the other “cobbler” remains with truth and love. We may bounce back and forth being either cobbler. This is normal during times of intense change. It is noble to contain both aspects of the cobblers as a part of handling your own frequency.

In the old 3D world, if we needed help, we would project this outwardly.  In the new 5D world, we process this inwardly and seek counsel when necessary. In the new 5D world, we take personal responsibility for both sides of ourselves.

It is quite a feat to take personal responsibility within a system that was not at all under our control. We take the consequences, and then we transform them into something else. We stand on top of the consequences.

The only difference between “us” who have awakened, and “those” who have not awakened is time. Truth is. It cannot be denied forever, and time is running out.

The point of this report is to remind us that in 5D, we cannot “help” others the way we used to because this would feed our energy to cold situations.  Everyone is walking their path, and they show us when they are ready for the growing pains of growth.  We cannot control, but we can share.  Free will is paramount.

Mercury is discharging “Santa Claus filling stocking furtively.” If you were Santa, what would you be filling your “stocking” with today? Does it feed your soul? It may sound selfish, but that’s what is needed now — strong frequencies that can transmute the end times.

Get strong today, wise owls.

Much love!