


"A Wind Blows in the Tree of a Wise Owl" - Wednesday, May 25, 2022

From my Space Weather report today:

Today is 1 Wind and people are aggressively verbalizing their thoughts!

The Sun is discharging "a radical magazine, asking for action, displays a sensational front page." Like-minds, especially 2nd Amendment opponents, call for "radical" changes" to American society.

Wiser heads prevail with the Earth discharging "an old owl up in a tree." A wise owl is quiet and watches all that is happening. A wise owl knows that there are other things happening, and does not become distracted by what the "other hand" is doing. We know that a plan to capitalize on tragedy will always be taken when it occurs. We also know what happens when satanic values are instilled in young people instead of the Golden Rule.

We take spiritual inspiration from what is "blowing in the wind" and persistently work around obstacles. Second chances may show up today, teaching us that what we believe is more than possible.

The Imagination is key today, and we are ripe for it now that Mars has entered Aries, its home sign. Mars is also conjunct Jupiter and will make exact conjunction on Sunday — the “eve” of the New Moon in Gemini.

Expansive energy exists with Mars and Jupiter, among other things. If we are not playing into the archons’ mind control, we can utilize this extra boost to fortify our imaginations.

Why? Because the train has left the old world station. It is on its own until it crashes. And it will crash. We see it clearly.

Safe money is on Second Renaissance. Second Renaissance exists in our minds first and then becomes real, as all things do. But in Second Renaissance, low vibrational tendencies do not manifest. They wither and die in the cold, old wind.

Second Renaissance types of ideas that we can build into the future come from psyches devoid of fear. Or we could say the avoidance of fear. No fear. Mars in Aries, along with Jupiter, Chiron, Eris, and Venus in Aries certainly stimulates enough fodder for fear.

While the Sun and Wind are discharging frequencies that can lead to overreaction, the other Sabian symbols today are very Second Renaissance-y. Mercury is at “two cobblers working at a table” (cooperation, sharing work, working persistently). Venus is at “through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained” (hope renewed). And Mars is at the very first degree of the zodiac with “a woman has risen out of the ocean; a seal is embracing her” (beginnings, the Pool of Pluto manifests something, a divine seal blesses the new).

When the “wise owl” Sabian symbol shows up, we get another point of view. Hopefully the point of view lifts us above the problem. The nwo train is off and will carry itself out until its final, imminent end. What is unclear is how the new world will be. That’s where we want to focus our attention. The frequencies of the future are open. We take the open, higher vibrational frequencies of what we know/gno is possible.

The old world deserves none of our energy. Disregard it to the point of only knowing what you need to know in everyday life. If we become attached to how the old world falls down, we will remain in fear and our energy will be lost in the worry of chaos.

This may be too much to ask of people when the world is in world war three, but even more so with the ongoing trauma of slow death via the reset of the nwo.

Who would ask this of wise owls?

Is it in the wind?