


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, the power of the mind to manifest

Moon in Aquarius/Pisces 10:23 pm ET/2:23 am UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: learn the wisdom that is being offered through today's experiences

True Alignments:  see below

Catalysts for Change: see below

Chiron -- the Master, the Teacher, the Healer -- takes "center sky" today, as the Sun moves into opposition with it.  There are two days each year when Chiron rules the energetics; today is one of them.

The energy of Chiron seeks to heal deep wounds through the acquisition of knowledge.

The only way this can happen with Chiron is when a wound (pain) is present.  In fact, Chiron often induces the pain so that masterful knowledge can be obtained.

Today, new wounds may be inflicted and old wounds may flare up with soreness, but the purpose is to teach us something very, very valuable and important.  The painful experiences that Chiron cuts open are necessary in order to advance in consciousness.  It is never done meaninglessly, but always for a purpose -- a significant purpose.

The purpose of this short lesson on Chiron is to provide context for our experiences today because they are meaningful and lead us farther along in our "ascension."  Remember, with Chiron, there is purpose and meaning.  What develops today has purpose and meaning, regardless of the surface appearance.

The Sun at 23 Virgo and "a lion tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena" (mastery, control, discipline, skill, faith, courage, plunging in, impulsivity). 

The Sun opposes Chiron at 23 Pisces and "a materializing medium giving a séance" (awareness, sensitivity, discernment, false front or façade, stuck in the past, spiritual quest, traversing two worlds).

Exact opposition of the Sun and Chiron occurs tonight at 3:13 am ET/ tomorrow morning at 7:13 am UT; however, the energetic will be in place throughout today and tomorrow.

So, the Sun-Chiron opposition means wounding, healing, and teaching.  Wounding could be induced through confusion, manipulation, and impulsively doing something.  Healing could be experienced through facing, integrating, and skillfully controlling our fears.  Teaching would occur because we would gain awareness, insight, sensitivity, and DISCERNMENT through the process.

The Sun-Chiron opposition is occurring simultaneously with the Venus-Uranus opposition that is building through Sunday.

This means that things might start happening very quickly, very suddenly, and very unexpectedly.

Themes related to money and relationships coalesce with the Sun, Chiron, Venus, and Uranus dynamics.  Changes would be implied here.

Other energetics accompanying these today are:

VENUS discharging "a Jewish rabbi performing his duties" (tradition, age old wisdom, abiding certain laws, dogma, rules, self-sabotage, tendency for false flag actions, the inner journey)

MERCURY discharging "children crowd around an orangutan cage at the zoo" (fascination, eccentricities, restrictions, watched, exposed, childlike wonderment, compartmentalization)

MARS discharging "immigrants entering a country" (fleeing persecution, issues with boundaries, beginnings and starting over, new territory, ventures, need to make adjustments, inflexible, invasion of self/others/borders)

JUPITER discharging "the light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh" (new order, grounded, transference, continuation, survival, ascension in consciousness, progress on projects or goals, preservation of knowledge, highest potential)

All of the knowledge and information needed to take ourselves and take things to another level is provided today.  There is more than enough on our paths today to help us find what we need. 

We will be wise enough to recognize it.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust; the power of the mind to manifest

Moon in Aquarius

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best, Goddess of Beauty

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: undertake a mental/emotional/spiritual shift

True Alignments: following a code of conduct and integrity, long lineages, honor, the hero/heroine's journey, moving beyond shame and self-judgment, things coming to light, thoughtful, working together, truth, accepted

Catalysts for Change: trust issues, restrictions, coming between people and divide/conquer, elitism, stuck, self-sabotage, superficial, know it all's, bossing others around, unfair advantages, things that have been hidden, alienated, criticism, conformity, feeling that something has been taken away (did it need to go?)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows" (seeing clearly, moving past darkness, moving beyond duality)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending the unraveling control paradigm)

Today, Mighty Jupiter closes out a window of time that will prove to mark history.  Jupiter moved into Libra last Friday (September 9, 2016), and since then has been discharging the energetic of "a butterfly preserved and made perfect with a dart through it."  With Jupiter, this energetic "freezes" a moment in time, inciting the immortality of events. 

Each of us is undergoing a shift in mindset, values, and feelings, and humanity as a whole is as well.

This is happening as we are in a month that steers us clearly, with the theme of "two heads looking out and beyond the darkness."  Shadows, illusions, and deceptions are cleared away.  This month we are seeing things that are very important for us to see (about ourselves, others, the world).

Today, the revelations continue.  The Earth is discharging the energetic of "a prophet bringing down the law from Mount Sinai."  Law is further highlighted with Venus first discharging "two men placed under arrest," and later moving to "a gang of robbers in hiding."  Misdoings are revealed.  (More leaks today?)

Revelation that no one is above The Law accompanies this with the Sun discharging "a royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones."  What is precious to humanity is rising and lining up.  Those who feel "above" the fellowship of humanity find out otherwise under this energetic.  "The hammer" drops on petty tyrants in the workplace, home, politics, school, etc.

Mars and the Sun remain in a square (90 degrees apart), amplifying frustration, anger, and sadness, but also amplifying the ability to take action, stand up for something, and revise things (particularly how we think about self and others).

Within these energetics, we also have Venus moving into range of opposition (180 degrees apart) with Uranus.  Exact conjunction occurs on Sunday, September 18.  Between now and then, we can expect the unexpected (particularly with relationships).  Uranus does two things exceptionally well: saves us by our rejections and puts us where we need to be when we have been unable to do it ourselves.

Since Venus "rules" money as well as love and relationships, sudden change could be experienced within financial markets.  This would be highlighted Friday, September 16 and Monday, September 19.

What is precious to you?  What does your own "coat of arms" represent?

What has this "moment in time" brought you?  What has it shifted?

Monday, September 12, 2016

First Quarter Moon Phase: step out of comfort zone; take action

Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius 5:30 pm ET/9:30 pm UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddesss of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: look clearly; accept your part of the responsibility

True Alignments:  reflections and mirrors, calm center, satisfaction, teamwork, aware of different levels of knowledge and experience, fondness, disciplined, guidance, important messages, going through an "underworld," imitation as the highest form of flattery, back to basics, retiring/resting when needed

Catalysts for Change:  reliance on the past, uncompromising, "opping out," unable to accept personal responsibility for actions, divide and conquer tactics, isolation, use of force, sabotage and self-sabotage, feeling unappreciated or unsupported, fooling others

Today on the Magic Carpet Ride of 2016, we take a trip down Memory Lane.

Mercury is retrograde, traveling back to make conjunction with the Sun once again.  As they make conjunction, they are also making a square to Mars.  This makes the day highly emotionally, mentally, and verbally charged. 

Since Mars is involved, anger is charged up.

The Sun and Mercury are making conjunction at 21 Virgo and the energetic of "a girls basketball team."  This puts a highlight on teamwork, collaboration, and compromise.  Mercury is going back in time to re-work things, especially things that are done in conjunction with others.  We find what is mutually beneficial.  Like finds like.  Unalike moves farther away.

Mercury discharged this degree on August 15, before it stationed retrograde.  Things that were happening then may be revisited today.

Mars is discharging "a child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses."  This energetic always involves a consciousness shift, oftentimes one that feels "forced" upon us.  The universe wants us to (finally) see something important about ourselves and others.  Dog is the archetypal energy of the guide and protector.  In the symbol of "a child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses," our inner child, our innocent self, is guided into better integration with our present circumstances.  Note that the symbol specifies eyeglasses, not sunglasses or rose colored glasses or a myriad of other things.  The energy is about seeing clearly through a different lens of perception.

The main reason we do not like to see clearly is usually not just because it is painful, but more likely because if we got to the bottom of it, we would have to take some sort of personal responsibility.  We would have to see our part in it.  Only the brave go here.

Adding to the trip down Memory Lane today is Venus discharging "a retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbor."  We are looking at the past through the new lens of perception of the "child and dog's eyeglasses."  This energetic naturally induces reflection and recollection.  It can bring longing (for something in the past, something lost, something unrequited, for some feeling).  It also brings objectivity, which is what enables us to see what needs to be improved, integrated, rectified, or revised in order to move forward on a path.

Feelings that one's ship has sailed or one ship will never come in are common with the "retired sea captain" energetic.  Losses (especially losses within relationships, since Venus is involved) are sharply felt.

The theme of reclaiming innocence or the innocent self is repeated in the Sabian symbol for the Earth's location today: "a little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant."

The theme of guidance on the path is repeated in the Sabian symbols for Saturn and Neptune, which remain in square or 90 degrees away from each other (producing changes).  Saturn is discharging "the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple," and Neptune continues to discharge "men traveling a narrow path seeking illumination."  The path is set.

All we need to do is show up and be willing to give it our best.  All we need to do is be part of the ("girls basketball") team and the coach (Shodashi) will call the plays.

The play today is to look at our feelings and thoughts and gain insight, especially before speaking or taking important action.  The tendency to speak impulsively is very high today, and this can backfire if we are projecting, displacing, or transferring our feelings onto others.  Be aware that this applies to everyone to some degree, so someone may project, displace, or transfer their feelings to you.  Look clearly.  If it does not belong to you, do not take it on board.

Memory Lane is usually a combination of mirth and misery.  The places your mind takes you today are destinations of purpose.  Instead of trying to avoid whatever comes up, why not take the detour that is marked?  Why not follow where it leads?  What might be illuminated on the way, in the process?

What is trying to be reworked or reframed?

The jaunt just may reveal what needs to be rectified and revised in order to dramatically improve your experience of life.

Happy trails!


Oracle Report Special Report: Saturday, September 10, 2011


09-10-16: The 15th anniversary of the terror attack and trauma response of 9/11 is upon us, offering the degrading globalist monstrosity a chance for a life line if they can reproduce fear.

The Illuminati minions of the archons use astrology to time false flag operations for the maximum impact of any goal.

On September 11, 2016, certain astrological aspects at the time of September 11, 2001, reactivate.  This offers the Illuminati an opportunity to attempt to capitalize on the energetic imprints of the past.

However, many of the Illuminati refuse to accept that the old ways no longer work, and thus are highly tempted by a repeat in the "archetypal field of consciousness" that astrology describes (decodes).

The highest levels of the cabal use astrology and knowledge of the cycles of time to time their moves against humanity.  In this way, they have been Time Bandits, manipulating psyches through the induction of trauma -- fear.

A system in collapse would try to reassert control using the same old methods, attempting to revive the past.  This indicates a deep level of denial.

This weekend, on the 15th Anniversary of 9-11, certain planets are re-activating the astrology from the day of the attacks:

1- Venus is conjunct the location of Mercury on 9-11-01

2- Mars is conjunct the location of Chiron on 9-11-01

3- Saturn is conjunct the location of Pluto on 9-11-01

4- Saturn is opposite the location of Saturn on 9-11-01

This means certain energetics repeat, including the energetics of:

REPEAT - Venus reactivates the Sabian symbol energetic of "circular paths" (repeating patterns, taking the same action, loops, making the same mistakes, lost in the cycles of the past, continually returning to the beginning)

COGNITIVE DISSONANCE - Mars reactivates the Sabian symbol of "a child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses" (confusion, skewed vision, seeing things unclearly, fooling the innocent or vulnerable, switching up)

TWO's - Saturn at "the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple (tower)" engages the location of Saturn on 9-11-01 at "two Dutch children talking" (not understood by the majority, "The Nether Land").  Saturn is worshipped by the Illuminati, and they work advantageously by the transits of Saturn. 

Saturn now coming to the 180 degree point of where Saturn was on 9-11 is HIGHLY significant to the Illuminati.  It represents the potential culmination of plans and intentions initiated at that time.  In other words, the intention for control that the cabal set in place in 2001 now comes to it's "fullest point."  This would indicate a second or final round of legislation akin to the Patriot Act and National Defense Authorization Act.

WIDOWS/LOSS - Saturn is reactivating Pluto on 9-11-01 at "a widow's past is brought to light"

RACING THE CLOCK and PROMISES - The Sun returns to the degrees it was discharging on 9-11 with "a swimming race' (competition, looking sideways, strain, massive energy expended in a short time) and "a caravan of cars headed for promised lands" (bait and switch, lining people up and sending them on wild goose chases, new directions and beginnings, hope for a future).

However, right now the North Node of Destiny is in opposition to Neptune, which blows away shadows and clouds and bring clarity to the past and openings for the future.

How far will the Time Bandits get?  Not as far as they did when they hijacked September 11 back in 2001.  We are within a completely opposite level of consciousness as we were back then.

Still, predators in peril will act out and take advantage of any opportunity, if they can.

The new world order's agenda has been severely degraded in the past year and a half.  It is difficult for them to pull the same old tricks.  Their ability to organized and structure is not what it used to be, but they are not understanding this yet.

At the minimum, mind control and manipulation of emotions is something that remains effective (though less so), and heartstrings will be tugged with memorials, which in the twisted mind of a dark magician are seen as repetitions of a ritual (or re-enactment of the spell).

The purpose of highlighting the repeating factors in the astrology is to de-fuse the potential for re-traumatization via a modern-day version of the pain and death of 9-11 (which could involve things other than planes and controlled demolition).

For the Archontically-controlled Illuminati minions, the number 15 represents 10 + 5.  10 is "destruction" and 5 is "love," therefore 15 is "destruction of love" -- the core goal.  More specifically, they see this as the God of Destruction in battle with the Goddess of Love.  That is their only understanding of these energies.

Perhaps it is reverse - the opposite -- with 15 being the Goddess of Love overcoming the God of Destruction.

Time always tells, and this year the Time Bandits may try to "pull" another fast one, but this time we are already aware of the potential, and will thus respond differently. 

Time is up for the Time Bandits.

Friday, September 9, 2016

First Quarter Moon Phase: step out of comfort zone, take action

Moon in Sagittarius

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty/Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best; Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: maintain your attention

We continue through a window of time with strong energetics, open through September 12.

Yesterday's energetics of "volcanic eruptions" (and an earthquake-level weapons test) flow into altogether different dynamics that are, in a word, hypnotic.  Our psyches tend to wander into "faraway lands."

We are more susceptible to suggestion with this, so it is important to maintain our own minds.  In other words, staying true to one's own discernment and truth.

The dreamy nature of today's energetics can induce a generalized feeling dissociation.  It can be harder to focus and remain attentive, preferring instead to "zone out."  (Take special care when driving.)

These dynamics come courtesy of the Sun discharging the energetic of "two girls playing with a Ouija board" (I do not recommend using Ouija boards), Venus discharging "children blowing soap bubbles and then later discharging "in the heat of the noon, a man takes a siesta."  Go to sleep.  Nothing to see here.  The energetic reminds me of the sleepy field scene in The Wizard of Oz.

Moments are captured in time today with Jupiter moving into Libra, beginning to discharge "a butterfly preserved and made perfect with a dart through it."  Jupiter will transit the sign of Libra until October 10, 2017.  Today "marks" or "puts a pin" in the beginning of Jupiter in Libra and a time when the loftiest notions of liberty, justice, truth, oneness, and harmony reign.

As we meander through "hypnogogic states" today, something may stand out to us that points to a revival, return, or resurrection.  This comes with the Earth discharging "in a huge tent, a famous revivalist conducts his meeting with a spectacular performances."

The theme of things being displayed (staged) is repeated with Mercury discharging "a flag at half-mast in front of a public building."  Issues of grief and loss are often triggered with this degree of the zodiac.

The themes of moving on, transcending a paradigm, and making preparations comes with Mars completing discharge of "pelicans, disturbed by the garbage of people, move their young to a new habitat," and at 2:19 pm ET/6:19 pm UT beginning discharge of "in winter, people cutting ice from a frozen pond."  (The "in winter, people cutting ice" was the theme for the Sagittarius 2015 lunar cycle which ran from December 11, 2015 - January 8, 2016.  Things that were happening then may be revisited today.)

Pelicans, according to the great symbologist Ted Andrews, represent unselfishness.  It indicates "not being overcome by a current situation." (Animal Speak).

So today perhaps we will be more like wise pelicans.

Last night I was the surprise guest on Phoenix Rising Radio, the archive of which is linked above and at  There were a few surprises on that show!  We covered many topics, including the 15th Anniversary of 9/11 and false flag potential, the US election and it as not the be all/end all as there is no turning back the grassroots rise of liberty, and a wide look ahead into 2017.

That said, the information on current astrological transits is still in process, but was discussed in depth with Phoenix.  Hope you enjoy it!

See you tomorrow, everyone.  Happy Friday!  Remember to find beauty today and maintain your own attention.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Crescent Moon Phase: perseverance

Moon in Sagittarius

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns Us With Our Highest and Best; Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: attend to wisdom; maintain composure

True Alignments:  adapting to changing and favorable conditions, acceptance, strong desire for honesty, renewed faith, healthy or functional release of emotions, release from pressure, passages, ability to "breathe again," coming out of darkness, sharing gifts, connection with the true self, recognizing one's own strength and perseverance

Catalysts for Change:  uncompromising, desire to release burdens and obligations, temper tantrums, hyper-negativity, disconnected from the true self, superficial, deceptions (revealed), false flags, stuck in the past, robbing the public, unexpressed grief, feelings of loss, immobilized, fear of rejection

"Volcanic eruptions" of various types characterize today, as the Sun discharges the potent energetic of "a volcanic eruption."

When this energetic is in effect, the tendency is for people to "unload" or "go off," releasing things that have built up, and also projecting what is personally uncomfortable. 

Resistance is rather futile when this Sabian symbol is activated, but particularly so when the Sun activates it, like today.  The goal is to express what one wishes to express, but in a productive way, not a destructive way. 

A good way to do it is through humor.  Laughing at a situation or the irony of a situation or laughing at ourselves can transform it into something that works in our favor.  And we may actually learn something about our true self in the process

Practicing the skill of being like a wise old owl in a tree and going inside to consider before reacting and responding may also be helpful.  This may take a great deal of skill, as the energetic favors impulsivity and catharsis.  Still, we aim to maintain center.

The energetic of "a volcanic eruption" encourages consideration of the idea of "what we resist persists."  What do you think of this notion today?

In addition to the release of what has built up, we also have these three themes winding their way through the energetics of today:

1- MOVING FORWARD/ MOVING ON - Movement of the body, mind, spirit, and heart to another place is indicated today with the Earth discharging the energetic of "an Easter promenade" and Mars discharging "pelicans - disturbed by the garbage of people- move their young to a new habitat." 

Do you need to move forward or move on with something?  Do feelings of being "trashed" or victimized need to pass?  Does a rebirth need to occur?  Do you need to change the conditions or status?  Where does nourishment (of the soul) exist?  These are the questions imposed by these two symbols.

2- GRIEF AND LOSS REVISITED/RE-FRAMED - Mercury is retrograde (appearing to move backward in the sky) and is "revisiting" or coming back to the energetic of "a flag at half-mast in front of a public building."  Mercury discharged this degree on August 19-20.  Things that were in place then (feelings, circumstances, mindsets, attitudes - anything) recur or come to a different place now.  Issues and themes of grief and loss are viewed differently with Mercury retrograding and go back over this degree in the sky.  Things that were hidden or not understood then are revealed now (especially false flag ops and political deceptions).

3- COMING TO LIGHT - And speaking of things being revealed, today Venus discharges the energetic of "miners emerging from a deep coalmine."  The deepest things come up today.  A release from darkness and ignorance occurs.  In conjunction with this month's overall energetic theme of "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows," shadows are brought to light.  We no longer operate in the dark.

As discussed yesterday, the next few days are highly astrologically active, and we were aware of this in advance due to the astrology and the Sabian symbols.  We now attend to the wisdom that will be offered, stepping a little to the side of the volcano, and out of the path of its direct eruption.

The emissaries of Gaia Sophia, Kali, the Goddess of Endings and Beginnings and Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns, flank us today.  We are in good company.

(Note: Today the transiting Black Moon made exact conjunction with Hillary Clinton's natal Chiron.  This aspect brings the deepest wounds.)





Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Crescent Moon Phase: persevere, see challenges as opportunity

Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius 9:20 pm ET/1:20 am UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns With Our Highest and Best, Goddess of Beauty

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: strengthen your grounded connection with Mother Earth/Spirit

True Alignments: breaking a chain/pattern/habit, looking at something a different way, having a new appreciation for something, fascination, back to basics and keeping it simple, the flow of inspiration, one thing leading to another, quiet time (very important today), devotion

Catalysts for Change:  hierarchies, attitudes of superiority, devaluing or deriding, ignorance, going against the flow, not resting when needed, struggling, irrational, pessimism, unevolved

Today, our teacher for this month, the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi, She Who is Beautiful in All Worlds, seeks to inspire wonderment and curiosity in order to bring us closer to Gaia Sophia (Mother Earth, Source, Spirit, the Great Spirit...)

Shodashi always works for a purpose.  Though she is the Goddess of Beauty, which is ephemeral, she is production-oriented.  She produces results -- important results, often ones that bring things far from where they began or were.  The reach of her hand flows along and spreads out like India ink on silk or watercolors on fine paper.

The purpose of Shodashi's effort to inspire wonderment and curiosity today is thus very important.  Our connection with Sophia needs to be dramatically reinforced today.  It is essential that we ground ourselves and build up energetic reserves because tomorrow opens a window of time through September 12 when energetic reserves would tend to be tapped. 

In other words, upcoming astrological events (which produce events in our lives and in the world) are such that they could take a toll on our emotional, mental, and physical bodies. 

Tasks such as cleaning, sweeping, lawn care, and other things that "tidy up" will put us in the mindset (brain wave) that will enable the psyche to rest.  It also produces the necessary mindset (brain wave) to see wonder, beauty, and curiosity from a child-like perspective, which is a great source of wisdom and the point of hope and renewal.

Assisting with this lesson of finding wonderment and curiosity today is the Sun discharging the energetic of "children crowd around the orangutan cage at the zoo," Mercury (retrograde) discharging "a boy with a censer serve near the priest at the altar," and Mars still at "tiny children in sunbonnets."  Performing everyday tasks with a sense of reverence and devotion, instead of thinking of them as burdensome chores, will facilitate the process.  These things ground us.  Gratitude is key.

The theme of being instructed and inspired comes with Venus discharging "a professor peering over his glasses at his students," the Earth at "in a quiet moment, a creative individual experiences the flow of inspiration," Jupiter still at "a man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading," and Saturn still at the "the lamp of enlightenment at the left temple."  All of these planets are discharging energetics for learning, growing, and evolving.

So we want to take advantage of this today and open up to receiving wisdom (what is called "attending to wisdom").

Tomorrow, the goddess Kali will join Shodashi through September 12.  Tomorrow, the Sun will be at the degree of the Sabian symbol of "a volcanic eruption" and the Earth will be at "miners emerging from a coalmine."  Tomorrow kicks off a series of events.  The other aspects that are coming up through that time are:

SEPTEMBER 9: Jupiter enters Libra

SEPTEMBER 10: Mercury opposition Chiron

SEPTEMBER 11: Venus square Pluto

SEPTEMBER 12: Sun square Mars; Saturn square Neptune

Things will be eventful, but they serve the cause of bringing (darkness to) light, as the Sabian symbol for this month tells us: "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows."  Tomorrow we will cover what the aspects between September 9-12 include, but today is the time enhance a strong and grounded connection with Mother Earth.  As I wrote yesterday, alleffort should be made to spend some time outdoors today.

She Who is Beautiful in All Worlds seeks us today.  What wonderment and curiosity will she inspire?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Crescent Moon Phase: persevere through any challenges

Moon in Scorpio

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns With Our Highest and Best

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: make things better by experimenting with them (changing them up, rearranging them, recombining them, or adding other elements)

True Alignments: rehearsing, reducing errors, calmness, seeing a bigger picture, learning lessons, taking one's time and care, navigating harsh energy or circumstances, reviewing the past, "orders" from the headquarters of Spirit

Catalysts for Change: anger, confrontation, projection of rage, faking things, foolish, rigid routines, leaving others out, immature, pointless, unable to adapt to changing conditions and circumstances, distracted

The Moon made conjunction with the Black Moon at 9:00 am ET/1:00 pm UT today at 13 Virgo and the Sabian symbol of "an inventor performs a laboratory experiment."  This means it is time to change things up a bit.

When the Moon and Black Moon meet up, people's shadow sides come out, actions can be beastly, and words hurled without mercy.  Anger is projected.  This began to build yesterday around 8:00 am ET, when the Moon moved into Scorpio, joining the Black Moon.  It hit a special peak between 3:00-5:00 pm ET yesterday, when the Moon made opposition with the Chiron Point (the degree in the sky that encapsulates wounding and healing).

That said, it is time now to do things differently.  We need to experiment.  New things should be tried, added, combined, and arranged in order to come to a better way.  A new mindset would be ideal.

Since this month's theme is the Sabian symbol of "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows," we want to see beyond the shadows of this Black Moon Day.  We want to leave them behind.  We want to do things a different way.

Alongside, today also brings issues related to concerns for safety, security, protection, and preparation.  This may incite panicky feelings.  Venus is discharging "a canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters" (safety).   The Earth is discharging "an officer drilling his men in simulated attack" (preparation).  Mars is discharging "tiny children in sunbonnets" (protection). This combination is enough to make anyone feel a little unglued.

But we remember that the mission today is to do things differently -- to change them up, rearrange, redistribute, and reframe.  We do not come unglued when we are glued (grounded) with Mother Nature.  ALL EFFORT should be made to ensure some time in nature today. 

It is the job of wise owls to maintain cognitive and emotional equilibrium when the "field" is shaking and quaking with the energetics.

Astrologically, the entire week will quake and shake.  We have several major aspects coming up, but we have quite enough to process with today's Moon-Black Moon conjunction and the Sun making a trine to Pluto overnight at 1:17 am ET/5:17 am UT.  Anytime there is a Pluto aspect on a "Black Moon Day" (one of the two days each month that the Moon aspects the Black Moon), things (especially relationships) can get very, very intense and heavy.  They have the potential to become very "ugly," with the worst coming out in people.  Be aware.  Look beyond it like one of the "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows."  Override it.

And, as usual, we can rely on the Sun for assistance.  Today the Sun is re-imprinting the energetic of "a fine lace ornamental handkerchief."  Let's make some fine handiwork out of today.  To do this, we soften up.  We approach things with more delicacy.  We understand that the dream of life has a plan.  This will go a long way to temper the Black Moon energies and also the strong fears about safety and security today.

All wise owls needed on deck today.  Let's look out beyond the shadows.

(Note: Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio, today is one of the 18 stages of rebirth that you are undergoing twice a month from May 22, 2016 until Valentine's Day, February 14, 2017.  It is a deep process -- a journey of the rebirth of the self.  Have patience with yourself, be kinder to yourself, and face what is being shown to you about yourself.  You are becoming grander, just as a caterpillar [which is already grand] becomes a butterfly [a grand being that can fly].  The mantra for the dark night of the soul that the Black Moon brings is most definitely "just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it turned into a butterfly."  Glide gracefully through the transit today by taking very good care of yourself.)

Thursday, September 1, 2016 - New Moonin Virgo

New Moon Phase: set intentions for the new lunar month/reset previous intentions

Moon in Virgo

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns Us With Our Highest and Best, Goddess of Beauty

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  see the blessings in your life; see if the glass is half full; embrace course corrections

Catalysts for Change:  splitting, escapism, things that are hidden, not open to other options, confusion, "black and white thinking," uninterested, blaming or scapegoating, evasion

True Alignments: free and clear, taking the high road or going above and beyond, brand new realizations or inspirations, mind fog lifting (breaking patterns of mind control), becoming whole, like attracting like, attraction to the beauty of nature, something that makes your heart dance

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows" (seeing beyond duality/divide and conquer, integration, transcending difficulties)

Saian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (the renaissance of humanity, transcending difficulties)

The New Moon in Virgo occurs today with a partial solar eclipse.  The Sabian symbol for the New Moon (and the energetic theme that will unfold during the entire lunar month) is 10 Virgo: "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows."  Since eclipses "take things away," we are happy to take away a good deal of darkness this month!

At the time of the New Moon, the Earth is located at "an aviator in the clouds."  We are guided by inner "instruments" through confusion, indecision, immobility, denial, and limitations.

The Wisdom Goddess or face of Sophia on duty this month is Shodashi.  She is the teacher who "aligns" (often by drawing lines, in all senses of the term) and veers us onto proper course.  We are in lovely hands, and we are definitely not alone as we see beyond the shadows.

Neptune is in opposition (180 degrees away) from the New Moon.  Neptune is cloudy and shroudy.  It is misty and dreamy.  It is nebulous.  But it also brings the heights of CLARITY, and an opposition naturally brings the most light and balances.  In astrology, oppositions are equivalent to a Full Moon phase.  This means that Neptune will be functioning at its highest octave of enabling us to see through illusion, deception, denial, and shadow.  Neptune is discharging the energetic of "men traveling a narrow path seeking illumination," so Neptune is also naturally enlightening us right now.

Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct at the degree of "a man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading."  This is a very potent combination for this degree, as Mercury delivers messages and rules our ability to understand (cognitive processes).  Jupiter rules higher education and spiritual teachings, so we are going to learn A LOT this month.

(Side note:  Regarding the "man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading," check out the google image today.  It is "in honor" of the 37th anniversary of the first printing of The Never Ending Story -- because 37th anniversaries are big ones, right?  If one ever wonders how the cabal uses the Sabian symbols in the a myriad of subtle ways, look only to the google image for the day and compare it to the Sabian symbols.  Note the ouroboros, the serpent who eats its tail, around the border.  What else do you see? What mind control spell do you think these demented Illuminati are weaving?)

We can expect repeats of things this month.  This comes with Mars discharging "the groundhog looking for its SHADOW on Ground Hog's Day."  The same old ways will not work.  Since it is Mars and since the cabal has no new moves, only the same old ones, we will see them running the same plays with different players.  September 11, September 25, and September 26 are in focus.

Mars is in close connection to Saturn at the New Moon.  Saturn is discharging the energetic of "the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple."  What does this symbol conjure for you?  There are many, many interpretations.  Lamps and enlightenment - more light.

Even more light to see beyond the shadows comes from Venus at "the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed" at the time of the New Moon, and later moving to "a group of young people sit in spiritual communion around a campfire."  With a campfire at night and the rise of the Sun, could a dark night for humanity be beginning to coming to an end?  The answer is YES, and it has been in process for over a year.

Ready?  I think so.  Welcome to Shodashi's cycle.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Leo/Virgo 11:23 am ET/3:23 pm UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: immerse in the present moment while simultaneously seeing signs of the future

True Alignments:  different in the light of a new day, within reach, strongly grounded, prescience and premonitions, mysteries, ancient knowledge, creativity, producing, respect, novel ideas, pacing oneself, lasting achievements, sharing feelings, important conversations

Catalysts for Change:  refusing solace, lost, ignoring other's or one's own needs, ungrounded, sudden changes (these are for the best), denial of the truth, fear of failure, holding on tightly to the past at the expense of the present and future, super-competitive, only taking and never giving, premature, suppressing expression, sacrificing individuality or not expressing/recognizing uniqueness, transferring or projecting negative feelings onto others

As we study the Sabian symbols today, we are much like the symbol for the degree Mercury is discharging: "a man gaining secret knowledge from a scroll he is reading."

This "scroll" is interesting because it reveals the nature of the energies of Life.  It gives the "code" or "play book" of how life evolves.  In combination with knowledge of the cycles of the stars, we have something powerful.

Today, this knowledge tells us that Spirit/the Information Field/the Source Field/the Mind of Gaia Sophia will foreshadow the future, specifically March 2017, the most critical month of the solar-lunar year.  That month will be the last one for the current astrological year - the Year of the Magic Carpet Ride. 

The ride ends but the race begins, as the Sabian symbol for that lunar month will be "the race begins: intent on outdistancing his rivals, a jockey spurs his horse to great speed."  Today gives us a glimpse of what is likely to be in store for us during the pivotal "march of March" and beyond into the next solar-lunar year.  (The next solar-lunar/astrological year begins on March 27, 2017.)

Last January, I saw ahead with this symbol and what I saw was war.  At that time, I saw the core elements of it as more of higher consciousness "overtaking" or "surpassing" archontic consciousness or lower-level consciousness.  In what appeared to be a fierce overtaking of one wave over another, the Light side won.

Now, in light of current events, we see the potential loom of world war.  We will want to watch the headlines, situations, and circumstances in the world closely today, as they are imprinting into the energetic of "a jockey..."  The Earth is located at this degree in the sky today, and thus will repeat in a bigger way during the entire month of March.  The same is true of the events in our individual lives.  Today foretells.

Knowledge empowers.

Within this, today we also have the following themes:

1- EXPRESS - The word has several meanings, all of which are highlighted in today's energies.  As an adjective, "express" means clear-cut, concrete, definitive, distinct, explicit, especial, peculiar, precise, set, specific, and unequivocal (i.e. "an express set of beliefs").

As a verb, "express" can mean to announce, declare, proclaim, say, broadcast, circulate, disseminate, publish, write, speak up, communicate, convey, and offer (i.e. "express a sentiment"). 

Following the energetics, one of the words in these two lists should spark something for you.  Which one is it?

The Sun is "expressing" the energetic of "an expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing."  In this symbol, we assume the painting starts out as a draft through a drawing.  The painter is expressing the concept for the painting first through in a simpler method, in preparation and in order to capture the idea.

When this energetic is in effect, it is a good idea to "get it all out."

2- ALL IN - As we are "getting it all out," at the same time we are "going all in," with the Earth, as mentioned, discharging the "jockey spurs his horse to great speed" energetic.  We want to put all we can into something today, if it is important to us.

3- FLUCTUATIONS - At 1:17 pm ET/5:17 pm UT, Venus will move from "the light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh" to "the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed."  Both symbols relate to movement, translating, transferring, and transmuting.  The transfer or transition between these two energetics can be ungrounding (and grounding is THE MOST important thing in order to stay sane - and I do mean that literally - now.  Connecting or sitting with a tree works quickly.).  So the energetics may be a little jarring while Venus moves from one degree to the other.  The "dawn of a new day" always brings new options and possibilities, all designed now to be in service of MAKING THINGS BETTER.

The day is rather complicated and may become emotional as we build toward tomorrow's New Moon, which occurs opposite of Neptune.  Tomorrow we begin the energetic of "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows."  Nice.

But today, we see ahead.  We stay grounded and focused in the present moment, for this is the place where the future is foreshown.

(Note:  I mention the potential for world war in this report, but please keep in mind that no matter what develops and no matter how bad things are and seem, all roads lead to liberty.  The old way is not going to go out without a fight.  Sooner rather than later in the grand schemes of time, truth and love prevail. Light wins, and now is the time.)


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Balsamic Moon Phase: release; dream; mystical

Moon in Leo

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Godddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  find a happier trail (a mindset, outlook, or opportunity that makes things better)

True Alignments:  secure, practice, cognitive resonance as opposed to cognitive dissonance (ability to see and understand), attentive, one's own style, reconnecting with the body, grounding through tasks like cleaning, spiritual revolution, spreading a message of goodwill, receptive, detail-oriented, archetypes

Catalysts for Change:  patronizing, not caring, noisy, things that disturb our peace, caught in a "web," frozen in time/paralyzed by the past, repeating the same cycle/behavior/mistake, hard-headed, weary, things that are unwarranted, greed, disruption of the body's natural rhythms and harmonics, difficulty maintaining attention, perfectionism (especially with appearances), bogged down or boggling

Ready for some masterful handiwork?  Well, welcome to Mercury retrograde..

Today, Mercury does the thing that people intensely dread: it stations retrograde or appears to move backward in the sky.  When it does this, interpersonal communications, telecommunications, travel, commutes, electronics, hardware and software, and overall progress often experience disruption. 

Ultimately, the purpose of Mercury retrograde is to refine, revise, and rework something important.  The things that go awry, sideways, or haywire enable other options, possibilities, and potentials to make things better.  Mercury retrograde wants to make things better.  If we can view it this way, working with the energy instead of against it, Mercury retrograde can be experienced differently.

The degrees of the zodiac where Mercury stations retrograde and where it will station direct once again tell us the story of the message Mercury is delivering as it "goes back."  We can pinpoint what is trying to be improved, revised, rectified, refined, reworked, or even reborn.  

Mercury stations retrograde at 9:04 am ET/1:04 pm UT today at 30 Virgo and the energetic of "having an urgent task to complete, a man does not look to any distractions."

Mercury will station direct at 1:32 am ET/5:32 am UT on September 22, 2016 at 15 Virgo and the energetic of "a fine lace ornamental handkerchief."

Between now and September 22, all kinds of things will be "crafted," designed, and worked.  This includes tangible things like projects or (creative) pursuits, but also includes intangible things like shifts (improvements) in our focus, attention,  beliefs, attitude, outlook, and alignment with our own paths.

What mindset would you like to craft between now and then?

The other energetics in effect today may provide insight:

1- FIRST STEPS to claiming or reclaiming something(s) important to our heart's desires are supported with the Sun discharging the energetic of "a girl takes her first dancing instruction."  Small steps and starting from the beginning (perhaps even going back to the perspective of a novice or beginner) work best.  It may be hard at the beginning, before the "muscles" of our psyches are conditioned, but if we will it, it will happen.  One day, it will perform or "show out" or manifest.  That day may be September 22.

2- RALLYING AND RISING with the grassroots wave of liberty that is wafting up occurs today as the Earth discharges "a girl blowing a bugle."  This energetic has been a key factor in The Awakening that has been in full force since April 18, 2015 (New Moon in Aries 2015 - the "music of the spheres" - The Shift).  The Call to Renaissance -- the Call of the Inner Hero -- resounds in the ethers today.

3- THE LASTING EFFECT comes today courtesy of Venus at "a butterfly preserved and made perfect with a dart through it," and Mars discharging "the pyramids and the sphinx."  I see this interplay as an enhancement to the long-term sustainability and benefit of what is reworked or revised during Mercury's retrograde.  (Empaths: Let's go with what I tell wise owl Anna, who does not like this butterfly Sabian symbol -- the butterfly had already finished its cycle of life before the dart went through it.  The dart enables it to be set in place.  The dart does not kill it.  There is no need for sacrifice.)  Things that develop today have all of the support possible to be long-standing and admirable.

As the Universe doles out some masterful handiwork to us, we remember the wisdom of the day Mercury stations retrograde or direct:

Have patience.  Repeat or restate if misunderstandings or miscommunications occur.  Recognize that electronics may respond to the electromagnetics by failing or having interruptions.  Understand that plans may be disrupted.  Take extra care while driving.  And most importantly, recognize that on the Magic Carpet Ride of 2016, disruptions and detours are just more sights to be seen and more adventures to be had. 

Remember that the purpose of Mercury retrograde is to make things better.  Let's engage a Happy Trail with Mercury today.


Monday, August 29. 2016

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Leo

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: ascertain what is truly important and valuable

True Alignments: applying talent or skill, unveiling, aiming or setting a goal, completing, freed from past restrictions or mindsets, well-placed trust, clearing up, task oriented, true to self and one's path, overcoming, like attracts like (resonance), things coming to light

Catalysts for Change:  missing an opportunity, devaluing self or others, chaotic, drawn off course or tempted, attention deficit, falling, playing games (especially political games including "office politics"), issues of faith and commitment, jealousy, retaliation, self-worth based on acceptance by others

The Electric Universe activates today with the conjunction of Mercury and Venus, one day before Mercury stations retrograde.  Mercury and Venus are making conjunction at the last degree of Virgo, 30 Virgo, and the energetic of "having an urgent task to complete, a man does not look to any distractions."  Heart and mind come together with laser-like focus.

We ignore the distractions and follow our own north star.

RENEWED INTEREST, ENERGY, COMMITMENT, AND DEDICATION with something comes with the Earth discharging the energetic of "illuminated by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea and mist."  This may be something we have "put down" or have let go.  It may be something that we had trouble seeing before because it was shrouded (most likely because it is something that would empower us).  This energetic can also bring feelings of loss, especially loss of hope.  We tend to see where we have misplaced our loyalty, where things have crashed down, and where we believe we have failed.  The energetics are trying very hard to release the consternation involved with these things.

GOOD RIDDANCE AND NEW VIBRANCE comes from Mars moving to the degree of "a widow's past is brought to light."  This is another theme of "illumination" today.  This energetic frees us of past darkness and limitations.  So many things are being brought to light right now.  In many ways it is blinding.  The process is meaningful, however, and is bringing about revision.  The old ways and days no longer work.  True intentions and motivations are revealed when this energetic is in effect. 

Mars makes exact square with the North Node (destiny) today, so what is revealed is destined to be revealed.  The North Node is located at "a powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria," so what comes to light enables us to OVERCOME - to get to a better place or state.  This applies personally and collectively.

As our hearts and minds focus or "synch up" today, we may find that the FIELD OF AVAILABLE CHOICES EXPANDS.  This comes with the Sun discharging the energetic of "a harem."  First off, we remember to be neutral about the Sabian symbols.  With attempts to censor free speech at a high, we stand outside of political correctness and maintain the understanding of the specific nature of an energetic.  Harems are against civil liberties, without a doubt.  Another term for harem could be sex slavery. 

The Sabian symbol is specific.  It is not the symbol of "a cafeteria filled with choices," like another symbol; it is a harem, and harems are implicit.  The "many choices" theme that comes with this energetic relates to relationships, including our relationship with our self (perhaps most importantly our relationship with our self).  Key consideration should be given to whatever helps us rise above or transcend.

Today, we each have "an urgent task to complete:" to bring our heart and mind together in focus.  We are not distracted in this mission.  We see through what has been "surrounded by sea and mist."  We remember what is important and valuable to us.  We renew our dedication.

(Note: Mercury will retrograde or appear to move backward in the sky at 9:04 am ET/1:04 pm UT tomorrow.  Communications, travel, electronics, and thoughts can undergo challenges.  Jupiter is in close conjunction with Mercury, so the effects could be widespread or enhanced this time.  Patience and perseverance always help with Mercury retrograde's deliveries.)



Saturday, August 27 - Sunday, August 28, 2016


Saturday: Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Sunday: Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Cancer

As we prepare to close out this Leo lunar cycle, let's take stock of what this month has been about and where we are with things now.  From the Report for the first day of this lunar month:

1- CONVERGENCE OF ALIKE - (New Moon at "an evening lawn party of adults" and Mars at "retired army veterans gather to reawaken old memories") The principle of "like attracting like" is dominant this month.  In many ways, the qualities of respect, receptivity, refinement, and civility will actively counter the mayhem being induced by orchestrated traumatic events.  Like-minded people find ways to join forces or join together to share and be of service.

2 - THEATRICS AND DRAMA - (Saturn at "a theatrical representation of a golden haired goddess of opportunity") All the world is a stage this month, but wise owls rise above this and find ways for all the world to be a playground.  The restoration of Wisdom and Will (the emergence of Second Renaissance within humanity) is founded in a return to the heart's desires.  We are not blindly "played," we choose the roles we want to play and the way we want the world to be.  Our individual choices change the collective experience.  New opportunities, mindsets, beliefs, feelings, perceptions, and opportunities emerge and grow.

3 - REPAIR, RECTIFY, MAKE RIGHT - (Black Moon at "a dentist at work") Things reach a point where change must occur in order to restore balance and sanity.

4 - ADVANCING FEARLESSLY - (Jupiter at "a lion tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena")  The Wisdom Goddess Bhairavi fortifies our hearts with strength and courage this month to make advances.  We "up" our game.

4- RE-EXAMINATION AND REJECTION OF THE PAST AND THE OLD PARADIGM - (Chiron at "the purging of the priesthood")  In many ways, this energetic rids of us what hold us back or what is not in alignment with respect for and harmony with life.

5 - BREAKING THROUGH THE PRISM OF A PRISON - (Venus trine the Galactic Center at "daybreak - the luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky") Gradually throughout the month we will have realizations that re-position us and clear the way for new beginnings.  We break chains that have bound us.

6- NARCISSISM IS "ARCHONTISM" WITH ARCHONS GONE WILD- (Pluto at "school grounds filled with boys and girls in gym suits")  The drama of "archontic tantruming" and people utterly losing their senses continues, as expected this solar-lunar year.  The "magic carpet ride" of this solar lunar year finds people "blinded by the light" and making demands ("screeching" pretty much).  We hold the line, strong in our knowledge that what we are seeing is the rebirth of what is real and true and the end of what is flim flam and false.

7- DOUBLE DEALS AND CORRUPTION COMING TO LIGHT - (Uranus at "a double promise reveals its inner and outer meanings") We see the continuation of "what was done in the dark will be brought to the light."  What was concealed is revealed.  The cabal will continue attempts to execute controlled chaos and strife in order to take control.  Order out of chaos no longer works now that the goddess Sophia is awake and rising.  Word to the Illuminati: all that is undertaken this month will backfire next month.  Give it up.

8- WELL-CRAFTED DESTINY - (North Node at "a fine lace ornamental handkerchief")  The symphonic orchestration of our lives takes on new detail, complexity, and delicacy.  What would you like to weave for your future?

9- GRADUATION AND ELEVATION (Earth at "people on a vast staircase graduated upward" and Neptune at "an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood")  Time to take things to the next level, wise owls.  This energetic was the theme for the Aquarius 2014 lunar month, which occurred between January 30 - February 27, 2014.  Things that were happening then come to a new level or evolution.

How have these themes unfolded for you this month?

On Sunday, we move to Basamic Moon phase, the time when we release what we do not want to carry with us into the next month.  It's a good idea to reflect on these themes this weekend, as we prepare to "weed out the field of consciousness" and begin anew.  The Sabian symbol for the next lunar month, the Virgo Lunar cycle and the Wisdom Goddess Shodashi's month of duty, is "two heads looking out and beyond the shadows."  To look beyond the shadows next month, we need to identify them now.

Much love for a wonderful, wise weekend, everyone.


Friday, August 26, 2016

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Moon in Gemini/Cancer 11:07 pm ET/3:07 am UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  follow your heart

True Alignments: getting to the essence or bare truth, information gained, heightened intuition, synchronicities, penetrating insight, honor, loyalty, chivalry, inner strength, giving, expression (especially creative expression), declarations

Catalysts for Change:  excluding others, too much importance placed on appearances, confusion, harshly judgmental of self, out of tune, dishonor (particularly of a family), alienated, irrational, bullying, working against others or a team, intangible, overindulgence (especially of anything that alters the mind)

Neptune's dreaminess overtakes Mars' action today, sending us into a naturally mystical state of consciousness.

Feeling a little dissociated or in a slight daze is common with this configuration.  The energies induce "zoning out." 

Adding to the etheric quality, the Sun is discharging "a man becoming aware of nature spirits and normally unseen spiritual energies."  What was previously unseen is seen.  We have revelations about things.  We come to another understanding about them.  Trends and patterns become visible.  We attune to a different way.

Adding to the revelatory quality, Mercury is discharging "a man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading."  We gain insight into our own past, which may seem ancient to us in some way.  The wisdom of our souls is cached and available.  This energetic is kind of like the door to the private section of our psyche's library being opened.  Great insight is available and can be put into immediate, practical use.  The catalyst for the insight may likely be something we read (and not necessarily something esoteric that we read).

Ideals, mind and belief sets, notions, concepts, wishes, dreams, and projects that we have held or have been working on for a long time are taken to a higher level today.  Mars is discharging "a flag that turns into an eagle that crows."  This means that representations or ideas come to fruition.  Ideas come to life, so to speak. 

With this energetic, we also tend to speak up and speak out.  We stand up and stand out.  We align with what we believe.

Also today, Venus and Jupiter are building toward exact conjunction tomorrow, Saturday. August 27, 2016 at 6:15 pm ET.  The conjunction occurs at 28 Virgo and the Sabian symbol of "a bald-headed man who has seized power."  More on this tomorrow, but keep in mind that Jupiter expands whatever it touches, and it is touching Venus right now.  This can make us "touchy" about appearance, love, relationships, security, and money.  On the note of Venus and appearance, at 28 Virgo, the "bald-headed man" has freed himself from encumbrances and ideas related to appearance.  He may have shaved his head himself.  He has transcended the paradigm, and in the process tapped his own inner power.  More on the Venus-Jupiter conjunction tomorrow, but this Sabian symbol is worthy of consideration about how it personally applies, as the dynamic will be in effect until November 13, 2017.

See you tomorrow!

Mercury will station retrograde on Tuesday, August 30, 2016.  It is a good idea to back up data or copy important files before then.

Today, let's turn into wise owls that turn into eagles that crow.  Let your heart speak to and guide you to the inner place of power.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Moon in Gemini

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  putting something together or back together; unify/reunite

True Alignments: see below

Catalysts for Change:  rationalizing, heavy burdens or obligations weighing one down, habits that need to be changed, no time for restoring energy, clinging to the past, creating problems or barriers, forcing, intentionally blocking growth, attempting to come between/divide and conquer tactics

Things that have been or have seemed divided come together today.  This brings the restoration of balance, which brings a sense of inner peace.

Three planets are discharging the theme of linking up/linking together, teaming up, integrating, putting people/places/things together, adding up, putting all the pieces together, and acceptance:

SUN: "black and white children playing HAPPILY together" (recognizing and disregarding the illusions of separation between people; compromise; fellowship; having fun and playing with others; united and un-swayed)

EARTH: "heavy car traffic on a narrow isthmus linking two seaside resorts" (restoring balance and soundness of mind; bringing what is imagined into reality; getting to a better state of mind and a better experience, smoothing out the flow)

MARS: "the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple" (reconnecting with the physical body; emotional integration; balanced strength and energy; connecting things - especially things that seem very different or unable to co-exist)

Venus and Mercury are discharging potent energetics that may trigger feelings grief/loss, especially related to past experiences of sudden trauma.  Venus is located at "a flag at half mast in front of a public building."  Mercury is located at "a bald-headed man who has seized power." 

The power of Human Will is rising and beginning to affect massive swathes of change.  We are no longer being gamed or played because we know the game and the play.  We are moving beyond being victims of imposed and manipulated circumstances.  We, as sovereign beings, are taking control of our personal and collective narratives.

At 12:30 pm ET/4:30 pm UT, the Moon will oppose Mars at "newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities for experience."  Opportunities continue to abound, especially for those adventurous enough to embrace change.

At 1:35 pm ET/5:35 pm UT, the Moon will oppose Saturn at "an airplane performing a nosedive."  This is the energy of shakeups.  We are often saved from what may seem inevitable, especially what we have "self-inflicted" when this dynamic is in effect.

All in all, things come together today, despite the past and despite the seeming differences. Integrate something that has been clearly shown to you since the New Moon on August 2.  Make it part of you.

(Side note: The wave of the Forces of Nature that is raising the consciousness of humanity is happening very quickly-- too quickly for the cabal to organize responses.  Their responses are sluggish and uninformed, at best.  This makes them reckless.  We are witnessing the unraveling of a dying system, one that needs to pass because it is based on power and control over others.  Wisdom teaches us to be in the world of the matrix, but not of it.  We are in the "mindset" of Second Renaissance, and the creativity of our hearts and minds is being freed in order to create the narrative of life WE WANT.  See what is occurring, but understand what is happening.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Taurus/Gemini 7:41 pm ET/11:41 pm UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart; Kali, Goddess of Beginnings and Endings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  discern and connect with your heart's desires; step out of drama and observe like a wise owl in a tree

True Alignments:  ageless, comebacks, trailblazing, developments and achievements, confidence, visual and performing arts, imagination, the place of inner stillness, grounded, ancient sources of wisdom, patience

Catalysts for Change:  indecision, naïve, denial, projection of one's feelings onto others, lack of common sense, feeling alone/lost, high drama, propaganda, rigid, dominating and controlling, bossing people around, compulsive consumption

Mars is riding shotgun with Saturn today, and early accounts indicate that the "show" is on.  From Monday's Oracle Report

"...the three-day march of Mars and Saturn as they make conjunction at 10 Sagittarius: "a theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity."  The aeon Sophia opens another scene in the narrative of her journey.  Archontic energies are re-called to her in great numbers.  This manifests for some with wild scenarios, actions, dramas, and power plays.  Warlike, aggressive, power-addicted, and controlling behavior can result.  This manifests for others with the rewards of reason, effort, perseverance, and wisdom.

Mars and Saturn are masculine energies; the conjunction occurs at a distinctly feminine archetypal symbol.  This would be a merger of the inner feminine and inner masculine, which is often a marker for expansion into greater levels of consciousness. 

One question that is highlighted on the individual level over the next three days is: What do you desire the golden haired goddess of opportunity to show you?

The other question that is highlighted on the collective level over the next three days: Is it real?"

Today's Mars-Saturn conjunction completes a cycle that began on August 25, 2014.  Anything that began at that time and no longer serves the best of all involved is deconstructed or released. 

A new cycle between Mars and Saturn begins today and continues until April 2, 2018.  New things that are beginning now offer some of the best opportunities in life, since the conjunction is at the energetic frequency of "a theatrical representation of a golden haired goddess of opportunity."  In many ways, "all of the world is a stage" until April 2, 2018.  It is a good idea to note what is happening in your life now, as the unfoldment of these things can be tracked as Mars and Saturn go through different stages of their cycle together.

When you understand the far-reaching implications of just how long an energetic is in effect and just what happens when planets make conjunction in our Electric Universe, you understand that today is no ordinary day.  When planets make conjunction, they send an electrical wave throughout the solar system.  The Sun responds and geophysical events occur, as they have with the earthquake in Italy. 

What is imprinted into today's energetics (thoughts, feelings, events, mindsets, attitudes, projects) carries a great deal of power.  Intentions that are set have the power to become golden opportunities. 

The Illuminati are prone to conduct rituals when either Mars or Saturn is making an aspect, but the conjunction of the two at the "golden goddess" Sabian symbol energetic likely makes the opportunity irresistible.  This is happening primarily behind the scenes, in the dark, but is also evident through whatever meme and theme the mainstream media are pushing today, as well as any ritualistic false flag events.  Remember that with this conjunction, we are asking ourselves what is real, what is the truth (see above from Monday's report).  In addition, Mars and Saturn are making a square (90 degrees away) with Neptune, which can cloud and shroud things, making them harder to see and understand.  (Neptune is also in trine to the Black Moon today, and the Black Moon is a favorite harmonic frequency of the cabal's manipulation.  It is interesting that the Sun responded with frequency effects directed very close to Rome.)

Shadow sides continue their exposure until 7:41 pm ET, when the Moon moves out of Taurus and in to Gemini.  Anger, grief, aggression, insecurities, fear and feelings of loss are enhanced, but the Moon always moves and the time frame will end with the Moon's shift into Gemini.

The Sun is discharging the energetic of "two guardian angels bringing protection," and Venus is discharging "Mary and her white lamb."  Divine intervention is at hand.  It is most welcome today.

The potential for an event that triggers a trauma response is very high today.  If this occurs (and it is by no means a guarantee), it is important to not freeze up with fear.  The Earth is discharging "a petrified forest," which can immobilize us.  It can also immortalize and withstand.  We do not want to be petrified people.  We want to be resilient!

Theatrics aside today, we understand that the March of Mars and the Sands of Saturn's Time are closing out one cycle and beginning a new one.  Golden opportunities await.

P.S.  Here is an image that may help you connect with your heart's desire on this momentous day, Alchemist's Pursuit by wise owl Christine.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Taurus

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  focus on opportunities; stay cool, calm, and collected

True Alignments:  facing one's self with courage, willpower, standing up to a bully, saving grace, taking care of the physical body, basking, finding beauty, inner beauty shown on the outside, the proper time to take action is revealed, endurance

Catalysts for Change:  rushing or forcing, bragging or showing off, isolation, survivalism, bad temper, keeping up appearances that are fake, loss of self-confidence, religious zealotry, suppressing emotions, projecting one's own feelings onto another because the feelings are "threatening," things quickly getting out of control and taken too far

Heads up, wise owls.  The magic carpet ride may get bumpy today.

It is a "Black Moon Day" with the Moon in Taurus opposing the Black Moon in Scorpio.  Shadow sides come out on Black Moon days.  Projection of feelings, especially anger, onto others is the modus operandi of this energetic.  Personal fears crop up in order for us to see that what limits us is only a fear -- a shadow.

Themes of insecurities, grief, and losses (including anything that was lost, not won, in any kind of competition) are more common with the Taurus-Scorpio polarity.  Venus is making opposition with Chiron today and tomorrow, amplifying things, and adding themes of wounding, healing, and teaching, particularly related to relationships and finances. 

When the Moon opposes the Black Moon (exact conjunction at 10:49 am ET/2:49 pm UT), it will do so at 11 Taurus and the Sabian symbol of "a woman sprinkling flowers."  To defuse high emotions, try to mentally "sprinkling flowers" on the situation.  It may work better than you think it will.

But let us not forget the major power play in the sky with Mars and Saturn in conjunction through tomorrow.  Mars and Saturn can dramatically heighten anger, aggression, and control issues.  The dynamic can be warlike.  The highest octave of the energy brings energy to structure and form (and restructure and reform) things.

Today Mercury is discharging the energetic of "a bald headed man who has seized power," multiplying the aggressive tendencies.  Seizing things, taking control, and plunging in are echoed with Venus discharging the energetic of "a lion-tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena."  We want to be skillful with things.

All of this may have us wanting to "hide," especially since the Earth is discharging "a squirrel hiding from hunters."  This is not really the way to go today, since the lower octave of this energetic can lead to missed opportunities. 

We don't want to miss those, particularly as the Mars-Saturn conjunction is happening at the Sabian symbol energetic of "a theatrical representation of a golden haired goddess of opportunity."  Opportunities, answers, direction, guidance are being presented to us right now.  In fact, they stand out with the Sun discharging "a large white cross, dominating the landscape, stands alone atop of a high hill."

When planetary forces heat up, wise owls stay cool, calm, and collected.  The heat is on today, no matter the temperature where you are on our lovely blue gem planet.  Let's remain focused on the opportunities being shown to us by the archetypal golden haired goddess of opportunity.

P.S. And if a visual image would assist, here's wise owl Christine's "version of golden royal riches of creativity" entitled Alchemist's Pursuit.  Christine says, "One visionary spark, One passionate desire, One golden droplet of potential Transmuted, in a crucible of liberty, into a flow of golden benevolence."

Monday, August 22, 2016

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Aries/Taurus 5:20 pm ET/9:20pm UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  realize your riches

True Alignments: taking the lead as needed, multiple brief mental respites, the power of imagination, contributing something, exchange, acting from choice not emotion, defense of what is right, finding more efficient methods

Catalysts for Change:  vanity, impulse buying, greed, superficial, feeling better than others, avoidance (try a new approach), not wanting to see the truth, dishonor, fictions, using others

Two massive astrological events are underway today, which means a lot can happen in the world and in our lives.  Mercury and Jupiter are making conjunction (coming to the same place in the sky) at the same time Mars and Saturn are beginning a conjunction that will build through Wednesday.

The Mercury-Jupiter conjunction is at 27 Virgo and the Sabian symbol energetic frequency of "aristocratic elderly ladies drinking afternoon tea in a wealthy home."  Venus adds to the elitism as it discharges "a royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones."  It would seem the day's energetic would be "Advantage: Illuminati," but other factors are in play to transform the energetic to "the fellowship of humanity's royal riches of creativity are realized."

Behind the banner of Mercury and Jupiter making conjunction is the three-day march of Mars and Saturn as they make conjunction at 10 Sagittarius: "a theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity."  The aeon Sophia opens another scene in the narrative of her journey.  Archontic energies are re-called to her in great numbers.  This manifests for some with wild scenarios, actions, dramas, and power plays.  Warlike, aggressive, power-addicted, and controlling behavior can result.  This manifests for others with the rewards of reason, effort, perseverance, and wisdom.

Mars and Saturn are masculine energies; the conjunction occurs at a distinctly feminine archetypal symbol.  This would be a merger of the inner feminine and inner masculine, which is often a marker for expansion into greater levels of consciousness. 

One question that is highlighted on the individual level over the next three days is: What do you desire the golden haired goddess of opportunity to show you?

The other question that is highlighted on the collective level over the next three days: Is it real?

The Sun will move out of Leo and into Virgo at 12:29 pm ET/4:29 pm UT today, beginning to discharge the energetic of "in a portrait, the best of a man's features and traits are idealized."  We tend to see or think about the best of anything.  The caution is to not disregard the other things, the things that are less than desirable.  Are ideas better than ideals?  Ideals can be rather limiting.  Contrarily, they can lead to endless searching and restlessness.  As always, the symbol teaches us about balance.

Markets and exchanges are in focus today as the Earth discharges the energetic of "a crowded public marketplace."  Open exchange is now one of the waves with which the globalists must contend.  We may see manipulation or drama around this energetic today.

We remain grounded and centered as strong waves of (golden) electromagnetics dust us with complexity over the next three days.  We endeavor, as part of the fellowship of humanity, to realize our royal riches of creativity, and choose the narrative (the theatrical representation) we desire.

Saturday, August 20 - Sunday, August 21, 2016


Full Moon Phase: clarity, revelation

Moon in Pisces/Aries 3:19 pm ET/7:19 pm UT

Skill:  discern what is trying to emerge from inside

True Alignments:  aligning with the inner child, practice, devotion, true reflections of self and following one's path, composed, peace of mind, trust, believing in something, recognition of the best qualities, participating, useful, carefree

Catalysts for Change:  avoiding responsibility, restless, overly competitive, romantically competitive, naïve, dominating, exhaustion, deceit, lack of belief and disbelief, playing games, exclusivity, isolating, going sideways, surprising disclosures

This weekend, the planets have two missions:

1- THE EMERGENCE OF OPENINGS AND BLOSSOMING - This comes courtesy of the Sun and Earth discharging:

  • "a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form"
  • "a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis"
  • "an unsealed letter"
  • "moonlit fields, once Babylon, are blooming white"

What is emerging from inside of you?  Is it your inner hero?  What would you like to re-do?  What do you want to say?  What else needs to come out?  How is the past being illuminated by this Full Moon phase and what can you take from it, learn from it, or apply?  What is of pure intention? What is your heart's desire?  These are the questions evoked by the Sun and Earth's dynamics.

2- TAKING US TO A NEW "PLACE" - This comes courtesy of Venus, Mars, and Neptune.  The combination of these particular planets may easily mean the  new "place" we are taken is a new perspective on relationships.  Where are we taken?  The new "place" may be out of the mists of denial and illusions and into the blue sky of clarity.  This weekend, these planets are discharging:

  • "a caravan of cars headed for promised lands"
  • "a mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs"
  • "men traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination"

We have "the illumination of promised lands and higher levels."

As light continues to be strong and full during this Full Moon phase, we are getting the full picture or full view of many things.  Many things are undergoing the spiral of change and renewal.  Renaissance is underway.  How is it happening for you?

Have a nice weekend everyone, and if you capture a shot of the beauty of nature on your travels, send it in to share with the parliament of wise owls (

Friday, August 19, 2016

Full Moon Phase:  clarity, revelations

Moon in Pisces

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhairavi, Goddess Who Fortifies the Heart

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill: release and realign

True Alignments:  making contact, information exchange, adventurous, greater and better methods, gathering, quests, preservation, gaining, multitude of options and possibilities, the essence of things, empowered, breathing more freely, smooth

Catalysts for Change:  blind spots, false flags, sacrifice, ritualistic acts of darkness, giving away one's power, enmeshed in the material world and/or in base instincts to the detriment of one's spirit, denial, panicky, dogma, trust issues, frozen in time and unable to move, clouded judgment, pushing buttons

Get ready to become a Mental Giant today.

Today's energetics seek to teach us and heal us of thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, and feelings that hold us back.

The primary targets for shifts in understanding relate to perceived losses, broken hopes and dreams, and things that have "failed."

With the release of these restrictions of the mind, we are free to grow.  "Soar" would be a better word because the sheer power of the potential to shift our understanding takes us far above the way things have been, far above the way we have felt.

This is a mighty statement, with a lot to live up to, but the energetics deliver with Mercury making opposition with Chiron today.  Mercury rules our thoughts, thought processes, communication, and information analysis.  Mercury is discharging the energetic of "a flag at half-mast in front of a public building."  Our thoughts naturally turn to grief and loss. 

Chiron rules the hero's journey, teachers of teachers and healers of healers, the quest for knowledge, mission, service to the fellowship of humanity, self-sabotage, learning, and recovering (amongst a plethora of other things -- the mythological Chiron was something of a "Renaissance Man," so the list goes on and on).  Chiron is discharging the energetic frequency of "the purging of the priesthood."  We are naturally taught a new (higher, more advanced) perspective and from it we are healed.  The past is purged.  Chiron also rules cutting (surgically precise, in fact), so the "purge" or split from the past is more like a clean cut.

This is a great blessing.

Freedom from tyranny over the mind is exactly what the fellowship of humanity needs more of at this moment.

As the release occurs today, questions arise.  What was actually "lost?"  Was it what we thought it was?  Was it truly a loss?  Could there ever be a loss of the heart of it?

The Mercury-Chiron dynamic sets up just as the Black Moon moves to 11 Scorpio and the Sabian symbol of "a drowning man is being rescued."  Rescues from the Waters of Scorpio are welcome.  This will be in effect until August 28.

With this today, alternatives are shown.  As the old thoughts and beliefs fall away, new ones are revealed.  The mental and emotional energy trapped within what limits us is freed for other pursuits.  This comes about from the Earth discharging the energetic of "a tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter."  The new alternative are more sustainable and benefit us more.  Old uses and functions are transformed into new ones.

Our minds are already hyper-engaged in thought with the Mercury-Chiron opposition, and there is added chatter with the Sun disseminating "many little birds on the limb of a large tree."  We may feel "scattered about," but there is plenty of room because the symbol tells us the tree is large.  Going out on a limb is quite natural today.  This is good because it enables us to go far into the unknown (or into the recesses of our minds) to get what we need.  It enables us to see the entire "field" of the past, how it has affected us, and how we would rather things be now.  WE get to choose!

Note that the symbols for the Sun and Earth both involve trees.  Trees are the "neural network" of Gaia Sophia.  They link heaven and earth.  Let's feed a tree a happy thought today.

Finally, pieces of information that are needed to help us shift our perspective may very well come from an outside source.  Venus is discharging the energetic of "two girls playing with a Ouija board."  (I caution against Ouija boards.)  Inner knowledge does not occur in a vacuum.  We are social beings who deeply interact with our environment, which includes the minds of others.  We make our own assessments, but we play on the playground of the mind of Gaia Sophia with the rest of the class.  Key information and messages can come from unexpected sources.

So are you ready to grow today?  Are you ready to engage your Mental Giant?  The only thing we have to lose is what holds us back.

Happy Friday/Mental Giant Day, wise owls!